Neversummer Highs and Lows of 2013

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DM ~Etho~
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Neversummer Highs and Lows of 2013

Post by DM ~Etho~ »

Please share with us your Highs and Lows of 2013

My High - That's easy, I became your DM this year and what a fun year it has been for me.
I'd like to thank you all, staff and players alike for the help and positive feedback.

My Low - This one is much harder for me, I regret to inform that on November 30th sadly we lost DM $chase$.
He became Lead DM earlier this year and was the one who got me to become a DM myself.
He was always true to his chaotic nature, often resetting the relics after you spent the last
few hours gathering them up. I'll never forget the positive feedback he gave me. I raise my tankard
of dwarven ale and drink to a friend gone, but not forgotten. R.I.P. Chase you will be missed.

PS - If all the toons on the server suddenly die for no apparent reason, just know that's the way Chase would want it.
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Re: Neversummer Highs and Lows of 2013

Post by mining »

Rest in peace Chase.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

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Re: Neversummer Highs and Lows of 2013

Post by Delisha Zrazorian »

Our High: The addition of The Bearded One has increased the sever funability exponentially.

We of Fury salute and thank you for you time and effort Sir Hans... SALUTE! :D

Our Low: R.I.P DM $Chase$ :(

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Re: Neversummer Highs and Lows of 2013

Post by Frendel »

Hail to the Chase! May the chaos he loved continue to live on in our ever lasting war. It's good and fitting to thank him for the fun he helped provide for us all. Rest in peace sir.

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Re: Neversummer Highs and Lows of 2013

Post by Deadeyes1 »

It has been my pleasure to have played here since 2003, to have known many of the Dm's through various contacts throughout my many transitions. Chase has been and will always be a force of nature. It is hard to put into words how much many of you have become a major part of my life over the last few years. Your stories are my stories. When we battle it is all in good fun. But never have I heard or seen anyone not feel for an extended member of our circle. Each and every one of us is a light that we use to share our personal highs and lows. Chase is a true loss to this server, and our community as a whole. Agree or disagree with him; he was, is, and will always be an unpredictable force. He will be missed here, and in our hearts. To the Dm staff; I offer my heart felt prayers. As players many may have only known DM CHASE as the guy that server pulled us to die, or the strange reason one ran through a trans and right back into the same screen. Chase never failed to give us his all. Chase will not only be irreplaceable, but shall not go unforgotten by many in our hearts and minds. As for myself, even though I had never met him in real life, there was a connection, a bond, because you cannot spend this much time on this server with all of you good people, and not feel a connection. To Chase's family we all extend our heat felt prayers.

My low point: was seeing the Dm staff participation drop off.

My High Point: Seeing the Dm staff find new ways to improve and make the server fun. AS always DM Chase was right there to show everyone how it was done with server pulls and instant kills. Who has not been entertained watching someone mouth off in shout only to see them suddenly die. That never got old. You will be missed Chase, Go to thy rest knowing your works are complete.


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Re: Neversummer Highs and Lows of 2013

Post by Ajantis. »

If it wasn't for Hanseath, I wonder if coming on the server would even be worthwhile. DM assistance is something that's just necessary, a good example was last night when we had a couple people stuck, even though recalling would have been an option, it would have meant the end of the adventure, but instead Hanseath was able to port them to the party, and everyone was able to continue playing. There will always be certain bugs and unexplainable game malfunctions, and even tho the devs have made for a really tight server, inevitably, a DM presence will always needed to quickly by-pass the unintended annoyances. Hanseath isn't just a high point, but perhaps crucial to game play in 2013.

I guess I'll also include the participation in Epic Planar Wednesday. Every week we've had at least 15 people join in, often over 20, and everyone gets credit for that. Again, Hanseath's hand in getting the party through lag induced predicaments, and creating portals to make a journey playable in an acceptable amount of time has appreciated. I should also mention additional prizes for special EPW adventures he has procured. Lokey's inclusion in our adventures has equally been a high point.

If I'm going to pick a low point, the the obvious realities of an aging server and game, where participation inevitably declines. The fact that it continues to have players on today is truely remarkable. A true testament to a well made game and realm. There is one thing I miss, and is partly what has made EPW a success, are announced, DM lead, server events. Knowing and planning for a server event that you know will be held a week or so from now was something we used to do more often. We certainly have plenty of spontaneous ones, (balors) and that's great too, but something everyone can look forward too, and have big rewards for, used to be something we had at least seasonally. (I know they are a lot of work though...)


Praise Auril's Cat, and the color purple!

I remember fondly a time when Chase was conducting some DM event, and then suddenly, a bunch of crazy things happened at once, death, games saves, ports, the server shouting inexplicable letters and numbers... and then an apology shouted from Chase how the cat had jumped on to the keyboard.

Also, when I went away from keyboard, only to find all my inventory colored purple, and meticulously renamed in honor of Auril.

R.I.P. Chase
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Re: Neversummer Highs and Lows of 2013

Post by Shadowalker »

High point of the last year is EPW, and the oppurtunity it provides Twig to attempt entertainment and learn more about the people of NS4. Some of the quietest and unassuming people have the bizzarest humor. :)

Low point..s, was each time an old friend confirmed that they wouldnt be arround anymore, or the realization that its been a year since Ive seen or heard of so n so. Aruil is the only absence forgiven, as his is the only worthy excuse, your live on in our memories.
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Re: Neversummer Highs and Lows of 2013

Post by Nyeleni »

Oh wow, Chase died? Requiescat in pacem, Mr Chaos!

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Re: Neversummer Highs and Lows of 2013

Post by Glory07 »

High: Hanseath becoming an interactive DM bringing renewed interest and anticipation. His active participation is somewhat exciting (will my toon avoid the tedious leveling or will xp be dropped on the doorstep) and somewhat soothing (will Hanseath be there for us/me to save the day). 'Seek and Find' had players running all over Aetheria again. Is it me or does he know what it feels like to be a player? What will be happening in Aetheria today?

Obviously EPW has brought members together again from all factions. How great it is to experience the family parties with all the warts and generosity. So many giggles and sighs. EPW is truly a light shown on participation, the strength of this game. See you next Wednesday!

Low: The signing off for the last time of players of the past/present. I hate to read the forums when our friends and teachers say goodbye. Worse yet are those who silently just never come back again. Each toon lost from Aetheria is a toon important to the rest of us. Whatever happened to .......? Real life gets in the way of our time with role play fantasy. ...Sigh

As refreshing as EPW is, where are our planned events? Will the Relic Wars ever be regenerated? Adding to our calendar planners for an NS4 event is rarely done now. It is hard work and alot of time to plan and enact the events. Acknowledging that as the DM works hard, we are having the fun.

Thanks to DM Etho for advising us the passing of DM Chase and not allowing the sudden silence of another NS4 family member without explanation. You have given us the chance to read stories from those 'old timers' that sometimes get lost. What must it have felt like to see what Ajantis experienced to his inventory? What a laugh that gave me!



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Re: Neversummer Highs and Lows of 2013

Post by cely »

Chase was an integral part of the Neversummer family and will be sorely missed :( Rest in peace my friend.

Chase left behind a son and a daughter and his family setup a fund for them. If you would like to express your condolences to his family, please consider donating to Chase's Children's Fund. Details are in the obituary: ... h_id=10308
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Re: Neversummer Highs and Lows of 2013

Post by cross0001 »

Rest in peace.


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