Venge log or not ?? that is the question...

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Re: Venge log or not ?? that is the question...

Post by Monkey »

Every couple weeks I'm tempted to come back and play NS4 again...

Then I check out the boards and am reminded why I left.

The whining, bad-feelings, rule-breaking, rule-stretching won't end as long as there isn't a clear vision of what the server should be and a structure that promotes that vision.

The strengths are a challenging and diverse PvM options for leveling and farming and a factional system promoting balanced and dynamic PvP for 40s.

Common sense among the mature adults on the server dictate that we should be enjoying competitive and balanced PvP between factions and enjoying the toughest PvM together across factions while we level, build and farm the hardest areas.

That often clashes with the romantic and simplistic notion of a world aways in conflict, where factional dominance is the primary goal. Unfortunately that goal kills or prevents PvM fun in the short term and reduces PvP fun in the long term.

If PvP is what this server is really about then leveling should be easy, like on some other PvP servers. Instead we have an unbalanced system that ensures veteran players will maintain a huge gear and build variety advantage over newer players. One faction's response to this is to let new members access the accounts of veterans, again in the name of factional dominance. This contributes to venge logging as just one of many ways that a flawed vision for an otherwise rich and diverse server leads to less fun for all.

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Re: Venge log or not ?? that is the question...

Post by frogofpeace »

Meh common sense prevails for the most part. Boards is boards.
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Re: Venge log or not ?? that is the question...

Post by Rufio »

Yeah, the boards are here to discuss in-game issues, which usually means there is some kind of problem that not everyone will agree on. This place is incredibly civil compared to other pvp gaming community forums. I wouldn't compare this place to a PvM server's boards. Those places are about as tame as can be because there is no inherent conflict between players.
Sebastian (TSS) Doc - Rufio of (TSS) - Dagr (TSS)
Raijin {FoN} - Arcadia {FoN} - Geb {FoN}

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Re: Venge log or not ?? that is the question...

Post by mining »

The point of NS4 is to have fun with other players.

If someone's stopping other players from having fun, well, there's the door.

The real strength of NS4, to me, as that it's [reasonably] well balanced, provides a framework for PVP and PVM, and rewards teamwork and cohesion with other players.

The other thing is that, as a small community, nemeses exist (cough Shamed and every other player on the server cough) AND factional warfare is about beating the guy on top... Or just killing as much as you can. Some of my favorite moments on NS come from things like dropping party in a leveling group, going to start imploding and getting whacked in the face by the other guy who had the same idea, or those brave last stands where you finally die, but only after you dispelled all 3 of them, damnit!
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

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Re: Venge log or not ?? that is the question...

Post by TheEdge »

Player A kills player B. Then B logs into another toon or is dual logging and has to "log" another toon to go find player A all within a 30 min time frame= venge end of story.

Take SS and send in. Yes we can see if i is a dual logger or not.

If however it is another Guild/clan member or dual loggers toon was already "logged" at the time then deal with it. the whole point of the guilds and alliances is to support your fellow team mates.

that being said if I see anymore whining about it on shout as this subject has been hashed over for years and years with the DM staff making the rules as clear and concise that even a "caveman can do it" (waiting on my paycheck for the plug GEICO) then I will personally sit and PK you myself over and over till said person yells at me giving me the un needed excuse to slap a 24 hour boot/ban on ya :twisted: :twisted:

Have a nice day :D
Gorm-Fire Eyes


Amoenotep wrote:so drunk he can't spell devil...what a loser
And this is my curse :(


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