monk/fighter/wm build

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monk/fighter/wm build

Post by Omen »

I been leveling my monk and was thinking of 20monk/7fighter/13wm with kama as my focus including all epic spec and focus feats. githzerai subrace just wanting some input since i have been away from NS for a very long time and not sure of all the changes. or if someone would like to give me a better monk centered build, i tend to solo quite a bit so i would need a build good for that.

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Re: monk/fighter/wm build

Post by VagaStorm »

Never made one, but if you move 6 lvls from wm to monk, so you get 26/7/7 you get 1 ac, some spell resist, 1 epic feat (monk bonus), ad a bit of speed at the cost of 1 ab. Rearange so you get e.proveness if you dont have it, and you have the rest for free.
Best Regards
Why would I want to count 12 hours twice? I’m perfectly capable of counting to 24, and while we’re at it, can someone go shoot named time zones. GMT+x is all we need!
Amoenotep wrote:if you die to harper that just means your build sucks.

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Re: monk/fighter/wm build

Post by Rufio »

Vega, by doing that you would also lose 1 weapon master bonus feat, so the monk feat is a wash. You probably would lose 1 base attack bonus in addition to the wm ab bonus, so in reality you'd lose ~2 ab. I think Omen's current level split is better.

If you have blinding speed, I'd consider skewing it more towards weapon master to really max out ab and to get more wm bonus feats. I don't know the ideal split off the top of my head, but something like 10 fighter / 5 monk / 25 wm with 10 fighter and 10 wm pre-epic would be ideal for maximum ab, it just doesn't have a nice speed bonus. for more speed you could start removing WM levels and replacing them with monk. 9 and 12 monk are usually sweet spots for monk speed when paired with blinding speed. (at 15 monk, speed bonuses from haste no longer stack with monk speed). By doing this you should really improve your ab, the down-side is that you would sacrifice a few points of monk ac. Now, if you had some kind of str based build without blinding speed, I can see 20 monk being really nice.
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Re: monk/fighter/wm build

Post by Eldaquen »

Couple things to keep in mind:
-with 20 levels of monk your build would be immune to mind affecting spells (class feat called Perfect Self).
-blinding speed (and haste) stops stacking with monk speed at monk level 15.
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Re: monk/fighter/wm build

Post by Chernobyl_Glow »

I’ve never done a 5 monk build. Even my zen archer has 6 monk. The speed is worth it. If you’ll use it, Knockdown makes mnk6 a no brainer. 5 monk only makes sense on a caster build where you’re going for 30 or 35 caster levels. Also, I’ve never been impressed with extra ftr lvls and this one has too many feats anyway. So I’d recommend ftr6/monk6/wpm28. Obviously it’s ideal to maximize pre-epic BAB but also maximizing pre-epic save bonuses are important too and you can’t do better than monk for that. I’d recommend 4mnk/6ftr pre-epic with 18wpm and 2 monk in epic lvls. The extra 3 WPM win back the lost ab anyway.

I assume you’re thinking of dual-wielding. I recommend waiting until Epic levels to do it. Carry a shield into your later levels and then invest in the dual wield feats. If you aren’t dual-wielding then you might consider Rog5/Ftr10/Wpm25. Uses shield and has almost the same AC. It's easier to build and has better AB, better skill selection plus Sneak Damage.

Depending on your book situation and how open you are to ecl3 classes this could be a really nice build. Any Elf Race would be fine. Drow or Svirf might be best options. Githzerai would be best for AC but sacrifice of Keen Senses. Start with most dex as possible. Get to 14 Int (Gith makes this harder) then split your remaining points in Wis and Con (even numbers).

1: Monk1 - Weapon Finesse, {Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Cleave, Monk AC, Flurry of Blows, Evasion}
2: Ftr1 - Dodge
3: Ftr2 - Mobility, Weapon Focus: Short Sword
4: Ftr3 - Dex+1, (Dex=21)
5: Ftr4 - Expertise
6: Ftr5 - Spring Attack
7: Ftr6 - Weapon Specialization: Short Sword
8: Monk2 - Dex+1, {Deflect Arrows}, (Dex=22)
9: Monk3 - Whirlwind Attack, {Monk Speed, Still Mind}
10: Wpm1 - {ki Damage, Weapon of Choice}
11: Wpm2 – Add +2 Dex and Wis book (not necessary and/or can wait) (Dex=24, Wis=16)
12: Wpm3 - Dex+1, Improved Critical: Short Sword, (Dex=25)
13: Wpm4
14: Wpm5 - {Increased Multiplier, Superior Weapon Focus (+1 AB)}
15: Wpm6 - Blind Fight
16: Wpm7 - Dex+1, {ki Critical (+2 Threat Range)}, (Dex=26)
17: Wpm8
18: Wpm9 - Great Fortitude
19: Wpm10
20: Monk4 - Dex+1, (Dex=27)
21: Wpm11 - Epic Fortitude
22: Wpm12
23: Wpm13 - Epic Weapon Focus: Short Sword, {Epic Superior Weapon Focus (+1 AB)}
24: Wpm14 - Dex+1, Epic Skill Focus: Discipline, (Dex=28)
25: Wpm15
26: Wpm16 - Blinding Speed, {Epic Superior Weapon Focus (+1 AB)}
27: Wpm17 - Epic Skill Focus: Spot
28: Wpm18 - Dex+1, (Dex=29)
29: Wpm19 - Armor Skin, {Epic Superior Weapon Focus (+1 AB)}
30: Wpm20 - Ambidexterity
31: Wpm21
32: Wpm22 - Dex+1, Epic Prowess, {Epic Superior Weapon Focus (+1 AB)}, (Dex=30)
33: Wpm23 - Two-Weapon Fighting
34: Wpm24
35: Wpm25 - Weapon of Choice, {Epic Superior Weapon Focus (+1 AB)}
36: Wpm26 - Dex+1, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, (Dex=31)
37: Monk5 - {Purity of Body}
38: Wpm27
39: Monk6 - Epic Will, {Improved Knockdown}
40: Wpm28 - Dex+1, Epic Weapon Focus: Light Hammer, {Epic Superior Weapon Focus (+1 AB)}, (Dex=32)

- 60+ AB and AC (62AB and 63AC I think) 29 BAB
- ~110 spot when buffed by a focused caster.
- Improved Knockdown
- 170% speed (50% from blinding and 20% from Monk)
- Respectable Saves ~40 Fort, 45 Ref, 40 Will (unbuffed)
- Ability to carry two weapons with different damage types (if you build svirf beware that your left hand as to be ‘tiny’ i.e. dagger)
- 80+ Discipline. Will help you against disarm but won’t make it impossible.
- 7 AB bonus from Weapon Master
- Weapon Specialization from Ftr

Others here can perhaps improve this build but it’s a good starting point (or correct errors). This build will be a bit disappointing solo but will really shine in a party with party buffs. From my experience, I’d seriously consider the rogue variant instead of monk. You get UMD for some self buffing. Substitute two Ambidex feats for 2 Great Dex. The net is AC is same and AB is +3 and you’re disarmed half as often cause you’ll won’t have two weapons out. haha!

Best of luck,

- Glow -

(miss ya'll)

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Re: monk/fighter/wm build

Post by mining »

iirc a hybrid 6 monk / 6 fighter / 28 WM actually gets great party buffed stats.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

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Re: monk/fighter/wm build

Post by Chernobyl_Glow »

@ mining. Yup. Some builds don't get significantly better when with a party and others do. This is one which do.
Glow wrote:This build will be a bit disappointing solo but will really shine in a party with party buffs.
- Glow-

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Re: monk/fighter/wm build

Post by Rufio »

I have some 5 monk builds and 6 monk builds, and to be honest, I hardly even notice the speed difference. I don't find monk speed to be a significant factor until level 9 really.
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Re: monk/fighter/wm build

Post by Bargeld »

As an alternative to monk speed, you could upgrade your computer so trans times are less. This would make more of a difference than 6 monk speed.
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