Portal Scroll Q/A:

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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by Tsavong »

1st I would like to say before I annoy a DM I like this new portal thing. I think there is room for some fun to be had with it

I was wondering as the portal hubs seem to be quite isolated the AO one for example is in the Yuan-ti wastes which is a long way form the AO capital so I was wondering if there could be say a portal from the hubs to faction cites or maybe faction nexus's or a 1 way transport dragon which takes you to the existing dragons.

Though I could be spoilt form the DE system which take you to the rift shards which are hardly as isolated as the portal hubs.

This is an excellent idea - Daltian proposed it as well. Be assured we are looking into the matter 8)
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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by Blystos Re »

I am most pleased with the new system. Thank you for a great implimentation.

Some quick info:
- To use the Strange Pedistal without damaging it (thus incurring a repair fee equal to what appears to be 10% of your gold), you need to succeed a Lore check (DC=70). This is lots easier than it might sound, so don't get too upset, and you can still use the pedistal if you fail the check.
- RiftWell scrolls appear to cost 2000 gp. each, though this may scale with level.
- UMD and arcane crafting are not required to craft a RiftWell scroll at the pedistal.

I can see where this could be less convenient for The Circle members, as it is quite a hike back to Melencia (even through the fey tunnel, which by my count is 14 maps start to finish). If you can't use these portals to get back to faction cities then you might be walking a fair distance back to the forest...

My suggestions:
- I would suggest putting in some kind of logic to ensure people don't "lose" gold while they use the pedistal, only to "find" it again while they are done. Conveniently lost purses should not be covered by the arcanist's bank vault.
- I would also recommend that the allied factions work together to come up with a means of shortening the distance to the far-off capitols by a few areas. 9 maps I can see as a reasonable distance; 14 seems excessive, especially since the fey are not concerned with how direct their tunnels are. Poor faries can't pay attention to the task for more than 5 minutes...I digress. Perhaps the druids of The Circle can work with our folk at the Arcanum to produce a permanent Travel by Plants spell to put members of The Circle within 8 or 9 maps of their beloved forest home?
- The Coalition needs wizards to support our growing reliance upon our arcane resources. Whether the Marshals like it or not, this portal system bleeds arcane energy into our holy lands. We should begin to look to those who can employ thier knowledge to keep these energies contained. Place restrictions if you wish, such as a maximum of 21 levels of Wizard, and Paladins and Champions of Torm could not be allowed to compromize their divine purpose...but I fear we in the North are in over our heads.

(The last bit is a long shot, I know, but seriously...how long do you think the bards at the Arcanum can keep up with this? ;) )

Providing a method for access to a players city from the Hub itself is being looked at. You are #3 of players who have suggested this idea :P
Your other suggestions are interesting, and will be looked at.

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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by mgrjebbo »

So I havent even used it yet, infact i havent logged in in a few days.... been camping. However i took the time to read everyons posts before i posted my thoughts.

One thing popped into my mind. The rune system of UO or Ultima Online for those who dont know.

A mage can mark where he has been on a special rune stone, then either cast a high level spell on the stone itself to open a portal to that marked location or he can stick it in a "rune book".

The rune book then takes charges that the mage has to restock by crafting scrolls of "recall" and merging them with the book. Each portal uses a charge.

So what about some sort of system that allows you to mark certain locations on the server say, once your 40 lvl pure mage/cleric/sorc/bard/rogue-umd, into a book or "recall rod" that you can then use to open portals. Give it 50 charges that cost xp and gold to craft back into the rod at these pedistal and theres your system. Ofcourse it would have to be a portal that opens for long enough to get a party through, and that you could be followed through if your trying to escape.

To make it not so exploitable, make all hostile faction territories non markable along with planar areas. That way you would have to mark the nexus not the plane itself.

This could be an extra pure caster/rogue perk.
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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by DM_Kim »

Good lordy.. does that bring back memories. I use to sell tons of recall books to both Trammel and Felucca. Had books for every city, mining cave and spot for various ores, all the nasty caves and dungeons, all the good taming areas. Made and sold all kinds of kegs of poison, regents, raws..

LOL.. Thanks for the trip down memory-lane. BTW had 3 houses. 2 in Trammel one in Feluccia right in the liche grove. My main Trammel house was in Yew near the skelly crypt.

Sorry for getting off topic here for a sec :)
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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by Chuff_7 »

I may have missed this in the thread but is there a specified minimum screen distance from the relic "aura" message. I have been burning through the scrolls determining how far is far enough away to make a Portal take and would like not to waste the 2000gp scroll.


As long as you aren't in faction territory, you won't get this message. - General places you can be sure to be safe are monster dens, and areas not under control of a faction
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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by Mental »

I just used a portalscroll near enemie faction, but i never read the forums before now. I just heard from other ppl in my group tell me aboiut this. Well anyway, when i used the scroll I died, then when i respawned I lost exp. Is this supposed to happen? This actually frightened me when i used it LOL.

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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by cRaZy8or5e »

Yeah it can be frightening, I tried to use one to get out of the water plane in the den of the master of the sea. Got hammered lol, no go! So I ranout of the zone, tried again outside, got killed the second time lol, which was cool, gave me the same result, got me out of a dangerous area. Wish I would have kept my combat info up, anyone know why this happens. No use in planar areas? Too close to a boss zone?
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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by Nyeleni »

Hm, I used mine in the dwarfhome, and only one area from Ragnar too. Might be the water plane. All that water rushing into the portal ;).

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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by Bloodstone »

Samething happened to me lastnight. I just finished clearing an area in the plane of air, instead of travelling back to the nexus portal I decided to give these scrolls a try, then boom, 2k in exp gone. For a second there I thought I ticked a Deity off some reason and he/she zapped me
if i didn't do it...someone else would have.

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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by Shamed Monkey »

Why are the scrolls not transferable? It kinda defeats the purpose of having high level casters able to make them. Also, the lore check, what if you want to make the scrolls with a toon that can make the lore check, you can't transfer them. So, I suggest you take out the lore check or make the scrolls transferable (Or at the very least stackable to save space inside inventories....)

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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by mgrjebbo »

I think the point is to only allow those with the proper lore and money to have the scrolls shishio.

The damage effect though needs to be rolled back i think after reading some of these posts. Or is this happening because they are using them in the wrong locations?
Amoenotep wrote:Interesting turn of events.....

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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by --Ashe-- »

Doesn't the token allow you to target someone else to create for? I didn't have anyone around my sorc to test on.
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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by Apokriphos »

The explosion failure damage is purposeful. It happens rarely, but when it does happen, it signifies the use of an unstable RiftWell, with a chance based on your class (wizards, sorcerers being the most proficient and making the least explosive scrolls). Because scrolls are usable in combat, this chance makes using a RiftWell that way a slight gamble, unless of course you have most of your life and are ready for it. We will be closely watching this effect, and potentially altering it as the feature moves forward.

Scrolls *are* stackable. They are non-transferable because we would prefer you to bring wizards and sorcerors along in your adventures and improve the use of these classes (for a yet unknown reason ;)). We do not want to give you another excuse to make a crafting character whose sole purpose is to divvy out items.

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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by Blystos Re »

Once the portal is up anyone can go through it for the duration.
It only closes once the creator of the portal makes a return trip.
Anubis wrote:Your other suggestions are interesting, and will be looked at.
Though, really I see sorcerers being a). more probable given our aversion to all things arcane and b). FAR more useable as none of our other core classes would really mix well with a wizard. At the very least Clerics and Bards would be able to take advantage of high charisma. I don't know, to be honest Rogues would be easier and the need for Defensive Roll is greater.

And if we don't have wizards and sorcerers up north, how do we bring them along?

/thread hijack. ;)

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Re: Portal Scroll Q/A:

Post by Shamed Monkey »

The scrolls are no stackable manually...At least if I don't use the organize inventory thing they aren't, and I don't want to use that.

I can't force you to work with the tools you are given :twisted: I will take another look at this if the issue is how the Strange Pedestal gives you its scrolls


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