tower door acess to upper battlements?

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Aarkon Draco
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tower door acess to upper battlements?

Post by Aarkon Draco »

i must say what a boon for the archer fans or bane for thoes facing them can anyone go through these doors? or must others use spells or ranged weapons to hit thoes on the battlements of their own city?

and thx for fixing the NC/TC tunnel this will make aiding our allys in either city alot easyer.
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Re: tower door acess to upper battlements?

Post by LinuxPup »

Currently anyone can go up.
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Re: tower door acess to upper battlements?

Post by Ajantis. »

Wow, thanks so much for fixing the NC/TC tunnel (although I havent tested it yet). This has been something I've really missed for a long time...
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Re: tower door acess to upper battlements?

Post by cRaZy8or5e »

Definitely makes for more fun. Thanks for the hard work.
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Re: tower door acess to upper battlements?

Post by kain124 »

There's an nc/tc tunnel? Where is this crazy thing?

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Re: tower door acess to upper battlements?

Post by SkotG »

The Fey Queen Rejoices!

Although I have not tested this yet either MANY THANKS, this has been sorely missed.

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