Server status: Server 1 RK/AO/NC/TC Server 2 MA/SL/LA

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Nerdlor The Destroyer
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Server status: Server 1 RK/AO/NC/TC Server 2 MA/SL/LA

Post by Nerdlor The Destroyer »

I have to apologize for the downtime, but it seems server 3 will be offline until some time late morning tomorrow due to a bit of a system failure. This would normally be addressed more quickly, but I am not in a position at the moment to rush over there.

The areas affected are Northern Coalition and the Circle, and all connecting pathways therein. All other servers and areas should remain available.

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Post by Joran »

Until we can get Server 3 back up and running, Server 1 will be taking over hosting the TC/NC areas. We wanted to give the players of those factions a chance to keep playing their characters during the downtime.

This will require some initial downtime while server 1 is rebuilt to include these areas, and will require all servers to be offline to avoid any potential problems.

The downtime is expected to last about 30 minutes. No ETA on Server 3 yet.

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Current news on servers

Post by Lokey »

Server 3 and 4 are suffering power supply difficulties--have for the past 2/3 weeks.

Nerdlor and myself will find the time this week to hit the colocation facility, and do repairs and software upgrades. [How big of a nerf is it considered if we change the OS?] :lol: Probably 2 hours or so of downtime some evening this coming week (EDT), we'll announce when.
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.
Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

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Post by LadyCheron »

"downtime"? They are already down ;) Or does this mean that all the NS4 Beta servers will be down as you upgrade 3 & 4?

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Post by DeputyDog »

Man weve got mfgr warranties on these power supplies. this is bogus.

Be sure to have nerdlor send them to me and ill get em replaced or refunded.
gmcever @



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