Forum Migration

Official announcements about NS4 from the Developers and DMs.
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Forum Migration

Post by Flailer »

Patience is advised as in the near future we're planning on migrating our forums to the latest version of PHPBB and combining the NS3, NS4, and NS5 forums into one master forum for better content, user, and forum management and better forum security.

Also, if you were planning on typing that big treatsie post on analyzing the intricacies of why [insert Neversummer hot-button issue du jour] sucks/rocks, you may want to hold off on that so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.

Some of the forums may get locked or disappear in the process til the dust settles as well.

Thanks for your patience and we hope this progress will ultimately enhance your Neversummer experience. :D
NS Developer

None of us is as dumb as all of us.


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