New dev blood

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New dev blood

Post by Flailer »

Just a quick announcement about a couple of dev issues.

First off, we wanted to welcome the newest dev to the fold: Binkyuk!

(golf applause)

There appear to be some more devs in the pipeline too, so stay tuned.

Secondly, with more and more of my attention being taken up by NS5 and real life lately, I haven't been able to devote the time to NS4 that she deserves. So, I'm stepping down as lead dev for NS4 and handing the reigns over to the capable hands of Zing, whom you know and love.

So, thanks for allowing me to play a part in the NS4 life-cycle! It's been a blast to be able to work on things over the years. I'll still be around and may still toss a few contributions over the wall here and there.

But everyone wish Zing congrats and good luck!
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Post by AllAmerican »

WOOT! Congrats Zing!!!!!
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Post by $chase$ »

comgratz ZING
Auril - God Of Trickery
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Post by shield »

Hey, contatz zing and blinkuk! Welcome aboard
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Post by Zing »

Thank you very much to Flailer, DD, the other staff and of course the players for your support.

This is a honour indeed. The dev team are very much looking forward to getting some of our current ideas into the mod.

All I'm going to say for now :wink:
Talos - God of Rebellion.

...zing broke you didnt he...ITS ZINGS EVIL THAT HAS BROUGHT THIS DAY....


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