Abuse of Moderator Privileges

Official announcements about NS4 from the Developers and DMs.
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Abuse of Moderator Privileges

Post by Yonwe »

We on the NS4 staff have tried to give guilds a bit of autonomy when it comes to managing their forums, both to cut down on our workload and to allow them to be a more productive voice within the community. However, being a moderator entails responsibility as well as blunt power, and under no circumstances does it place anyone above the rules of conduct set in place by the Neversummer staff, nor any actual legal regulations in place governing such conduct.

Unauthorized posting to the general public of any information that can be considered outside of the public domain or of a guarded nature, including IP addresses, is a cause of action under United States Code; to do so not only can place the NS staff in an awkward position, but opens the parties posting such information to lawsuits or other very, very unpleasant consequences. Getting into a pissing match is one thing; it's another thing altogether to open someone's computer to hacking or hijacking for laughs, no matter how innocent the motives may be.


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