Web Server

Official announcements about NS4 from the Developers and DMs.
Dungeon Master
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Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:01 am
Location: Bethel Ak

Web Server

Post by TGPO »

Looks like the web server is under a Denial of Service attack.

It seems our little hacker friend is the vengefull sort. Fine for him to go and ruin everyones day, but he doesnt like being thwarted.
*Computers are alot like air-conditioners. They work great until you open windows*

Dungeon Master
Posts: 1267
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:01 am
Location: Bethel Ak

Post by TGPO »

Well, it looks as if we have weathered the storm. However, I am working on getting a secondary server set up that I can keep synced up with these forums. If it becomes necessary I will simply put a redirect up and break the connection with the current DNS addy.

I wont post that other addy until it becomes necassary to use it.

(That and I'm still getting the databases configured to sync up as a mirror)
*Computers are alot like air-conditioners. They work great until you open windows*

Dungeon Master
Posts: 1267
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:01 am
Location: Bethel Ak

Post by TGPO »

OK, all the Documentation is back in and the links from the main web page work again. I still have to go back in and do bit of editing for formating and such. Cleaning it up a bit as it were, I would like to remind everyone none of that was my original work, those are just reposts of Jorans hard work for all of you. We all still owe him a giant debt for all the work he put into Neversummer over the years.
*Computers are alot like air-conditioners. They work great until you open windows*


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