Event : Defenders of the Relic

Official announcements about NS4 from the Developers and DMs.
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Event : Defenders of the Relic

Post by Dalan »

Some of you will surely remember the week long relic warfare event that DM AllAmerican held last year.

Well, the Defenders of the Relic statue is up for grabs. Good luck to all of you, and may the best Faction win.

Defenders of the Relic

- The Faction with the most relic captures after 1 week , wins.
- As of Noon (cst) , January 19th (sat) , the relic counter in Avendell will be reset to 0.
- As of Noon (cst) , January 26th (sat) , the relic counter in Avendell will determine the winning city.
- The winning Faction will get the Defenders of the Relic statue placed in their city.

ps: Share the event information to those players in game, who don't browse the forums. Thank you.
Dumathoin: Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain

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Re: Event : Defenders of the Relic

Post by Dalan »

Would like to make a few comments here to clarify a few questions you all may have.
  • Dual Loggers : Beware, things may be more difficult for those who exist in more than one place at a time.
  • Allies defending allies : This is great. They are your allies, after all.
  • Allies running relics for their allies : This is not great. A sacred relic on your back, and your not going to deliver it to your home faction? Poor taste, I say.
Dumathoin: Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain

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Re: Event : Defenders of the Relic

Post by Dalan »

As you all are well aware, NS4 went down hard.

The Defenders of the Relic event is off, and will be held again sometime in the near future.

I would like to thank all of the players that got involved in relic warfare. You guys really went at it, no holds barred.
As it should be.
Dumathoin: Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain

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Re: Event : Defenders of the Relic

Post by Dalan »

The server is back up, the vault is intact and everything seems to be working good.

The Defenders of the Relic is back on! Please tell your friends and foes ingame, thank you.

The warriors of the called off event are not forgotten, please see post in the General Discussion to vote for MVP's.
  • Defenders of the Relic :
  • Start time will be Saturday, Jan. 26, 12 noon (cst)
  • The relic counter in Avendell will be reset to zero, and all relics sent to home cradle at the start time
  • End time will be Saturday Feb. 2, 12 noon (cst)
Dumathoin: Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain

Dungeon Master
Posts: 587
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:48 pm

Re: Event : Defenders of the Relic

Post by Dalan »

With an astounding 50 point lead, the Last Alliance are The Defenders of the Relic!

Congratulations to all of those hard working warrior's from LA!

A statue in honor of your victory will be placed in LA, as soon as possible.
Dumathoin: Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain


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