Temporary Return

Official announcements about NS4 from the Developers and DMs.
Dungeon Master
Posts: 1267
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:01 am
Location: Bethel Ak

Temporary Return

Post by TGPO »

I have been asked to step back in and help out with a few issues in the back end of things. The big news on that is a general warning that the website may be going up and down occasionally over the next two weeks depending on the extent of the work needing to be done.

In the mean time, its really good to be amongst you folks again. Just going through I see names I know and some that I don't. For those that I dont let me extend a greeting to you for joining the best PW going. For those I do, you already knew that :).
*Computers are alot like air-conditioners. They work great until you open windows*

Dungeon Master
Posts: 370
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 10:56 am
Location: Bloomington Indiana

Post by lordshelt »

welcome back :)
Bane - God of Tyranny


Dungeon Master
Posts: 1267
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:01 am
Location: Bethel Ak

Post by TGPO »

Okay I have figured out how to harden the wiki. However the connection I have where I am staying while in the states can only handle light web browsing and an IRC connection, so I'll extend my return for a bit and handle all the big changes when I get back to Alaska.

Just letting you all know that things are progressing if a little slowly.
*Computers are alot like air-conditioners. They work great until you open windows*


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