The commandments have had an overhaul to bring them in line with the ever-changing state of Neversummer 4 and to incorporate the rulings that have had a significant impact on the module but had not yet been formalized.
It is up to everyone to be sure they are familiar with the commandments, including the new ones and the old ones that have been modified.
Since this commandment update strives to include all major rulings which are still relevant to NS4 gameplay, we believe they include all the currently-forbidden violations we've ruled upon. As such, if something's not listed in the commandments, it isn't forbidden. Just remember that harassment and other things are not spelled out verbatim, and that the spirit of the commandments is what the team enforces; rules-lawyering is not an excuse to rob others of their fun.
Commandment Overhaul
Commandment Overhaul
~DM Yonwe
Lolth - Goddess of the Drow
Velsharoon - God of Undeath
Lolth - Goddess of the Drow
Velsharoon - God of Undeath