Invalid Characters

Official announcements about NS4 from the Developers and DMs.
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Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:44 am
Location: ...Looking for a new Chew Toy

Invalid Characters

Post by Zing »

Occasionally players experience a login error with a character. Especially if they are in the habit of giving their toons very similar names.

A lot of time that could be spent fixing the problem is spent by me asking for more information.

Therefore, if this happens to you please use the following guide to resolve your issue.

1) Stop panicing.
2) Send ALL of the following information to me via PM.

Server: (Prime / Relections)
Account Name: (Your Bioware login account - I do not need the password)
Toon Name:
Faction: (LA, MA, RK, SL, TC, AO, NC)
Sub-Race (Drow, Githyanki, Lightfoot etc)

3) Be patient - I prioritise these requests as I know it's annoying to temporarily lose a toon, but theres a rumour going round that I'm only human after all.
Talos - God of Rebellion.

...zing broke you didnt he...ITS ZINGS EVIL THAT HAS BROUGHT THIS DAY....


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