Stoneskin, Greater Stoneskin and Premonition duration changed to
1 turn/level
Resist Elements and Prot from Elements changed to 1 turn/lvl
Acid Sheath Dmg reduced to 1d6 + 1/5 lvls
Death Armor Dmg reduced slightly
Elemental Shield dmg reduced slightly
These 3 spells will be changed so only one can be in effect at a time soon.
Inventory bug should be fixed so a pvp kill from an enemy summon shouldnt take inventory now. Please post if it happens.
With the instability of some of the servers currently, be sure to rest or exit to save your progress.
We are looking into the stability of the LA#4 server. Please be patient.
Also pvp kills vs your own faction will result in negative reputation that will cause the npcs to start hating you.
Spell Changes to test
Feedback from various players on the shield spells... (spoke to 3 people about it)
The problem before was that its nearly impossible for clerics and others to "dispel" or "greater dispel" a level 17+ mage.
By making them non-stackable, and reducing the damage so drastically the spells won't be used at all. (the damage and stackability weren't the source of the problem, it was not being able to dispel them that was)
I think it may be better to fix the DCs on the dispel type spells and not so drastically reduce the effectiveness of the sorc protection and shield spells. The Dispel and Greater dispell need to be fixed anyway, and when they finally can get dispelled the usefullness of many of these protection spells will be reduced anyway.
The problem before was that its nearly impossible for clerics and others to "dispel" or "greater dispel" a level 17+ mage.
By making them non-stackable, and reducing the damage so drastically the spells won't be used at all. (the damage and stackability weren't the source of the problem, it was not being able to dispel them that was)
I think it may be better to fix the DCs on the dispel type spells and not so drastically reduce the effectiveness of the sorc protection and shield spells. The Dispel and Greater dispell need to be fixed anyway, and when they finally can get dispelled the usefullness of many of these protection spells will be reduced anyway.