On the downside, the reason for the NS4 downtime stretching on as it has is more than simple overheating or an electrical storm; we were hacked by some jagoff whom we've yet to identify, but have found plenty of fun little viruses and trojans peppering the box. Expect her to be down for several more days as everyone works to get things cleaned up, along with some upgrades to the box to help with the lag and the load.
On the upside, however, the time away from our daily ritual of keeping the server running means some fun things shall be coming up once everything's again running smoothly... stay tuned for some really neat stuff!
More information, such as a timetable, shall be posted as it becomes available. Feel free to discuss (and speculate!), but we can't post updates any quicker than they happen. Valete!
Server Downtime Continues
Official announcements about NS4 from the Developers and DMs.
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