Looks like the web server is under a Denial of Service attack.
It seems our little hacker friend is the vengefull sort. Fine for him to go and ruin everyones day, but he doesnt like being thwarted.
Web Server
Web Server

*Computers are alot like air-conditioners. They work great until you open windows*
Well, it looks as if we have weathered the storm. However, I am working on getting a secondary server set up that I can keep synced up with these forums. If it becomes necessary I will simply put a redirect up and break the connection with the current DNS addy.
I wont post that other addy until it becomes necassary to use it.
(That and I'm still getting the databases configured to sync up as a mirror)
I wont post that other addy until it becomes necassary to use it.
(That and I'm still getting the databases configured to sync up as a mirror)

*Computers are alot like air-conditioners. They work great until you open windows*
OK, all the Documentation is back in and the links from the main web page work again. I still have to go back in and do bit of editing for formating and such. Cleaning it up a bit as it were, I would like to remind everyone none of that was my original work, those are just reposts of Jorans hard work for all of you. We all still owe him a giant debt for all the work he put into Neversummer over the years.

*Computers are alot like air-conditioners. They work great until you open windows*