Im sure everyone has realized that the beta is now open. We didn't want a lot of fanfair and noise becuase of the potential for big bugs and down time.
Currently we are having a new character login issue and a level up issue on one of the machines.
We are working on it as fast as we can and will try and have things working by late Thursday night if possible. (Real Life Permitting)
Alot of bugs are cropping up that didnt show in beta due to large numbers of people doing the same thing at once. Rest assured we will get things worked out.
Remember, This is beta, things can and will go wrong:)
-Your Neversummer Team
NS4 Opening and Bugs
- Sir Sean
- Dungeon Master
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Fri Oct 03, 2003 9:42 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Chicago and Memphis
To follow up on this, a couple of tips:
1) If you get stuck, please ask for help. The DMs will be trying to work around this until it gets fixed. But we can't be everywhere at once. If nothing happens when you ask for help (and don't just go "Is a DM on?", actually ASK for help in the DM channel), ask in IRC or have a friend do it for you.
2) DON'T ATTACK OTHER PLAYERS IN THE RIFT!!!!!! This is the biggest cause of problems. If you kill a new player who hasn't been through the cutscene yet, you'll make them stuck. And then someone else will get stuck, and so on, and so on. Please, please be patient... as DD said, the Devs are going to try and fix it tonight (RL permitting), and until then, we'll do the best we can to help you out.
3) Once you do get out of the starting screen (what some are calling 'The Rift') and to your faction city, REST. This should force the database to write your location, and then you should be portalled there the next time you join.
Hopefully, this will help to reduce the number of stuck characters. Thanks for your patience, and remember - as DD said, this is beta, and things will break. This just happens to be a pretty spectacular break.
Sir Sean, DM Starknight
Oghma, God of Knowledge, Binder of What is Known
and running late getting ready for work
1) If you get stuck, please ask for help. The DMs will be trying to work around this until it gets fixed. But we can't be everywhere at once. If nothing happens when you ask for help (and don't just go "Is a DM on?", actually ASK for help in the DM channel), ask in IRC or have a friend do it for you.
2) DON'T ATTACK OTHER PLAYERS IN THE RIFT!!!!!! This is the biggest cause of problems. If you kill a new player who hasn't been through the cutscene yet, you'll make them stuck. And then someone else will get stuck, and so on, and so on. Please, please be patient... as DD said, the Devs are going to try and fix it tonight (RL permitting), and until then, we'll do the best we can to help you out.
3) Once you do get out of the starting screen (what some are calling 'The Rift') and to your faction city, REST. This should force the database to write your location, and then you should be portalled there the next time you join.
Hopefully, this will help to reduce the number of stuck characters. Thanks for your patience, and remember - as DD said, this is beta, and things will break. This just happens to be a pretty spectacular break.

Sir Sean, DM Starknight
Oghma, God of Knowledge, Binder of What is Known
and running late getting ready for work

Also a note on requesting help.
It aids us and will speed the resolution if you put a brief synopsis of your problem.
/dm help, stuck in loading zone
/dm help, transitioned dead
These will give us the information to respond quickly to you. rather than just a generic "help" where we have to PM you back and then you have to PM us back ect. In the time it took for that we could have already had you back on your way.
If we dont respond right away, give us a minute or two before sending again. We may well have missed the first one, or we may also be hip deep in helping others. Regardless we will get you the assistance you need as fast as humanly possible.
It aids us and will speed the resolution if you put a brief synopsis of your problem.
/dm help, stuck in loading zone
/dm help, transitioned dead
These will give us the information to respond quickly to you. rather than just a generic "help" where we have to PM you back and then you have to PM us back ect. In the time it took for that we could have already had you back on your way.
If we dont respond right away, give us a minute or two before sending again. We may well have missed the first one, or we may also be hip deep in helping others. Regardless we will get you the assistance you need as fast as humanly possible.

*Computers are alot like air-conditioners. They work great until you open windows*