The Prayers of Mortals...

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The Prayers of Mortals...

Post by Zing »

It was once said that the different peoples of the world known as Aetheria were in possession of magical gifts that were bestowed upon them by the gods themselves.

These gifts gave the races power beyond that of normal mortals, but with that power came greed and corruption...

Godly rewards were found to lead the people to godly temptations and then ultimately to battle.

Battle became Civil War and Civil War became Chaos.

When the smoke cleared and the stench of the dead subsided the peoples looked through the ruins of their world. When they counted the toll of thier lost brothers and sisters they found that they had also lost the one thing which could have helped them rebuild thier lives and their future...Some said the Gods themselves took the gifts back. Others said that they were lost in the ruins...

...every search and every prayer for the gifts proved futile, eventually the revered blessings were all but forgotten...

...the Diviners of the Gods disappeared from the lands like the fields had disappeared under the torch...they were thought to have become extict...but...well the reason I recall this for you now...

...It is said the Diviners are returning...
Last edited by Zing on Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Talos - God of Rebellion.

...zing broke you didnt he...ITS ZINGS EVIL THAT HAS BROUGHT THIS DAY....

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Post by Zing »

...the old-timer came rushing into the Farmhouse from the fields..."they're here" he said desperately trying to catch his breath.

His legs were not what they were when his Great Grandfather had told him of the ones who were devoted to the blessings of the Gods, yet he knew instantly what she was when he saw her...

The rumours were rife across the land, and rightly so, the signs of divine maneuvers were not going unnoticed...

Supreme powers in the midst of mortals can not hope to take place without marking the land...

Yet still he thought it was something not dreamed of in his lifetime, but now he had seen with his own two eyes...
Talos - God of Rebellion.

...zing broke you didnt he...ITS ZINGS EVIL THAT HAS BROUGHT THIS DAY....

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Post by Zing »

...when she saw the scorch marks on the Castle floor Rica immediately called for Ellistra...

...Ellistra walked into the room confidently, but as she approached her friend her pace slowed. She felt an eternity pass as she took the final step.

The two exchanged a thousand words with a simple look.

The news of a sighting in the fields could no longer be dismissed as an old man's senility setting in. These marks would undoubtedly be showing up in all of Aetherias major cities.

"We must search our city for those who have returned" she continued "they must have more information!" cried Rica in disbelief.
"There is no time! We must tell Duke Ashimar this most wonderful news" said Ellistra
"...And we must then tell him to prepare our people for war"
Talos - God of Rebellion.

...zing broke you didnt he...ITS ZINGS EVIL THAT HAS BROUGHT THIS DAY....

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Post by Zing »

The High Priestess came out of the trance by which she devoted her entire being in prayer to Lolth and slowly opened her eyes.
The marking on her temple floor was unmistakable as were, from the reports of her spies and scouts, those in the Wolf's Den, the Compound and the tower in Garagoth.

The signs were all too clear for those who knew how to read them...

She knew that the power to advance her people into a new age was on the Horizon.

"Praise be to Lolth!" she screamed! "With the Relic of our people returned the Drow shall rule Aetheria!"
Talos - God of Rebellion.

...zing broke you didnt he...ITS ZINGS EVIL THAT HAS BROUGHT THIS DAY....

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Post by Zing »

And so it was that what was forseen came to pass...

The gifts of the Gods have returned to the realm of Aetheria...

Talos - God of Rebellion.

...zing broke you didnt he...ITS ZINGS EVIL THAT HAS BROUGHT THIS DAY....


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