It took a while, but I finally got around to converting the main site over to PHP tonight. I was shooting for a nice, standards-compliant and table-free design while still keeping the basic layout and color scheme the same. I think it transitioned pretty well.
Where there used to be static announcements, now the News page will pull all threads from this forum, as well as announcements in other public forums - it's about time we got around to automating that ;)
Also, there's a random picture at the top that rotates with each page load. Feel free to send in pictures you'd like to add to the rotation, right now we only have five or six.
I was planning to code up a php server status indicator, but it doesn't look like the sockets are connecting right via UDP, or it's not returning data in a format I'd expect, or something. Anyway, I didn't want to get to bogged down with that, but if anyone has a working way to grab status info using PHP, let me know and I'll add it in.
The layout of the main page isn't anything fancy, I didn't have time to pretty up the fonts and colors very much, but we can tweak that as we go along. Also, I know the double scroll-bar is a little annoying, but it's a quick fix to make the column heights even out.
I'll be putting up the other pages tomorrow when I get some time, shouldn't take too long. Enjoy!
Website is back up!
Official announcements about NS4 from the Developers and DMs.
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