Forum revamp

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Forum revamp

Post by Flailer »

Well, as you've probably noticed, our forum revamp here in Neversummer Realms is mostly complete. The dust is still settling and I'm sure there's some permissions we've missed somewhere along the way, but the NS3 and NS4 forums have been combined and the new public NS5 forum has been opened up with some intitial teaser info released.

If you want the new overall forum view, go to:

If you're just interested in NS4 things, you can have pretty much the same view as you've always had at:

Same with NS3:

For NWN2/NS5 info, go here:

And, if you haven't notived it, one useful link off the new forums is the 'View Active Topics' link: ... ive_topics

Also, we've moved some of the forums a bit to reflect the new forum hierarchy (for example, the Off Topics forum is shared across all the NSRealms forums now).

If you notice forums that have incorrect permissions or have any problems or questions, just post something in the Meta Forum forum at the main level:


We hope this forum merger acts to bring our vast playerbase together and will move us forward into the next phase of bringing you quality gaming at Neversummer.
NS Developer

None of us is as dumb as all of us.


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