He wishes to have a mid-range Gaming Machine. OS will be Win7.
I am building tower only. (no monitor, speakers, kb/mouse) Target = $700.00, and i will be ordering all components from newegg.
To any of yall comp experts that reply, thanks.
- 1. Dual Core VS. Quad Core : the quads have L3 cache, the duals do not, from reading i have done so far, it seems the L3 is not being utilized at this time. Is it worth going quad, or should i save few bucks and get a dual.
- 2. I normally build comps with low watt cpu's (65W-95W), is there an advantage to using the higher wattage cpu's?
- 3. Hard Drive SATA 3 Gb/s VS. 6 Gb/s : The reading i've done so far suggests that there is not enough of a speed increase to warrant the extra cost of building the 6 Gb/s comp. Should i spend the extra bucks now, and build for 6 Gb/s to ensure the speed increase in the future, or forget it and stick with 3 Gb/s? p.s. i am not planning on going solid state at this time
- 4. What is the best power supply company, nowadays? I am willing to spend extra to ensure that the build is done with the highest quality pwr supply.