How Might Hurricanes Affect Neversummer?

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How Might Hurricanes Affect Neversummer?

Post by Zysek »

I'm just loaded with questions this morning. :mrgreen: Watching the morning weather report about (currently) Tropical Storm Edouard, I wondered how much rain the folks in Texas will be getting. Then it occurred to me that the servers themselves could be affected.

Are the servers physically located in Texas? (I know the servers don't have to be at the home/work of the owner.)

Do you have a plan to power down the servers in the instance of very severe weather?

Obviously, we all hope that people manage to avoid the loss of life or property. If Texas takes a hard hit, it would make sense that power could be out for a couple of days and we'd have no Neversummer. That would be a minor annoyance for us, but I'd really feel for those affected. (The worst in my experience, post-Hugo we had two weeks with no power and we were the LUCKY ones.)

Here's hoping T.S. Edouard takes a turn towards the areas affected by drought and dies a slow, gentle death right where people NEED some rain. Parts of the Mississippi delta have had more than enough rain this year.

Take care, stay dry, and be blessed. 8)

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Re: How Might Hurricanes Affect Neversummer?

Post by Lokey »

DD's in Austin, which I don't think is a prime hurricane target (too far inland).

ns4 servers are in Cali for now, worry about earthquakes and brushfires. ns3 servers are currently in British Columbia and Connecticut, Fire's in Kentucky. We also believe in backup power supplies and such, but have had problems with various ISPs in the past.
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Re: How Might Hurricanes Affect Neversummer?

Post by Zysek »

Thank you, Lokey.

Having things spread out does tend to limit damage.

On that note, do the devs have contact information for each other in hard copy form? Or to rephrase, it would be a most excellent idea if The Powers That Be shared multiple ways to contact one another. Recent natural disasters have proven the need to have such information. Our church (being in a hurricane threat area) prints a master contact list, but puts it in a sealed envelope. Should disaster strike the rector, secretary, senior warden, and accountant are each in different cities so at least once copy will survive. Hopefully cell phones work when land lines go down (or vice versa) and many hotels have internet connections these days.

It's been my experience that if you plan for the disaster, you'll take the speed bumps in stride.

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Re: How Might Hurricanes Affect Neversummer?

Post by Flailer »

Yeah - we all know a lot about each other in real life, rest assured. Most of us hang out on the #neversummer chat channel 24/7 also - so we all communicate in real life. And, we've got Chase to apply real life muscle if it's needed.

Course, DeputyDog is on a kill switch so if he's compromised, the entire team has a lethal injection immediately applied.
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Re: How Might Hurricanes Affect Neversummer?

Post by Amoenotep »

except for me...i pirated a way to get mine out so i won't go down......nerfs 4 life :)
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