Are the servers physically located in Texas? (I know the servers don't have to be at the home/work of the owner.)
Do you have a plan to power down the servers in the instance of very severe weather?
Obviously, we all hope that people manage to avoid the loss of life or property. If Texas takes a hard hit, it would make sense that power could be out for a couple of days and we'd have no Neversummer. That would be a minor annoyance for us, but I'd really feel for those affected. (The worst in my experience, post-Hugo we had two weeks with no power and we were the LUCKY ones.)
Here's hoping T.S. Edouard takes a turn towards the areas affected by drought and dies a slow, gentle death right where people NEED some rain. Parts of the Mississippi delta have had more than enough rain this year.
Take care, stay dry, and be blessed.