Apology:Posting for Glory, she can't register on forums.

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Apology:Posting for Glory, she can't register on forums.

Post by Gilradden »

Hail Denizens of North server,
I am posting this because Glory/Gid can't register for the forums. I sincerely hope this will put this matter to rest! I ask you all to to read it with an open mind and heart. I would further request that those of you who have had issues with her style of play, mistakes she has made or her demeanor on TS will give her a fresh start with a clean slate.

Subject: Inappropriate Use of TeamSpeak – And Other Issues

I have chosen to accept this means of communicating with everyone on North to let you all know how deeply sorry I am that I grossly misused and abused TeamSpeak to vent personal feelings. I am sorry for offending those who were present and those who were not who have probably heard about this incident. I accept full responsibility for my actions and there is no excuse for that type of behavior on a public channel, or for that matter, anywhere else. I pledge to everyone that this will not occur again. I hope that you all can see it in your hearts to forgive me for my actions. They were irresponsible and thoughtless and I am truly sorry.
Since that incident, I have been made aware that there have been other comments made about me concerning my gaming abilities and my need to collect the most “stuff”. Stuff includes gp and gear as far as I know. First, those who run with me regularly know that I tend not to want to leave remains behind. Call me grabby or needy or what have you, but I have gotten lots of gear and gp that I use for others in need. I am always first to offer gp for the ec pass and gear for those who need it. I have 2 mules solely for the purpose of helping others outfit their toons if they want assistance, and I always offer when I see someone at the D-box. In the past 2-3 weeks I have given out over 10 million gp to those who did not have it for the ec pass. Some have actually paid me back! But I do not give it for the purpose of being paid back. On ec runs I ask who needs money and give that person ample opportunity to get gp on their way up – or I gather it for them. It is always with others in mind that I do this – I know that it may appear that I am very greedy – but I’m using the gp and gear for others. Please don’t judge on first appearances.
Second, some have said that for a “veteran” player, I don’t know the game well enough and that I ought not to be making mistakes. Please understand that I am an older player and have only been playing on the computer less than a year. My gaming abilities are admittedly somewhat weak and I will never be up to what you all can do. I will probably make more mistakes, (as we all do) and hope that I can be forgiven for them as I would forgive you by saying “Hey, no worries – we all do it.” I am here to have fun and hope that I don’t tread on others’ toes, which apparently I have. And I have apologized several times over for that. I do know the server quite well and am always getting lots of questions about where something is and what drops where. I don’t know where these ideas come from about me not knowing the server or asking for help too much – just not sure about that. I get asked constantly to help do a run or get gear for others and I always drop what I am doing and comply. I think only once have I declined because I wasn’t going to be on the server long enough.
So what this all boils down to, folks, is that I had hurt feelings because of a complaint, and vented my anger immediately on TeamSpeak in a total knee-jerk reaction. I apologize sincerely for that. Also please be aware that THIS IS A GAME. We are human after all, and we all make mistakes. This game should not be taken so seriously that things get blown way out of proportion. Everyone has quirks about their personalities and some are worse than others (I include myself in that category). I just hope that those who know me will be able to accept those quirks and have fun with them – let’s laugh. This game is about laughter, fun and some serious escapism. I hope we can move forward from this now and have the fun we are supposed to!

Thank you for your time.

--Glory (Gid)

All that is gold does not glitter.
Not all those who wander are lost.
The old that is strong does not wither.
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

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Re: Apology:Posting for Glory, she can't register on forums.

Post by kviper »

No doubt in my mind, that Glory is the best character on North/East


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