ec run etiquette clarification

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ec run etiquette clarification

Post by Anonymous_ns3 »

There was a situation a couple of nights ago that needs to be addressed. One of the players in my party was on an the path too EC and was asked by a DM's character if he could pass them. Instead of the DM waiting for an answer he just went past him. Turns out the DM was not on an EC run and did not know if my party member was either. I know DM's can win every ruling from the DM that is logged onto the server so the person did not protest. I know that the DM staff is excellent but I am interested in there being a level playing field. I know that if I did this to another player I would be banned.

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Post by Moonstone Mischief_ns3 »

Accounting for a party mate is not such a good idea, that player should adress their probelm instead. If it was a DM player then the DM player would wait as they inforce that to happen. So I do not believe a DM would do that to another player.
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ec run

Post by xanderman_AZ_ns3 »

I think that if thiis really happened the player should have gotten a screen shot. If it is true I really do not believe that there would be any other way of addresing the problem. One person's word against a dm would never work anyway. I would really just leave it alone. I also think that maybe the "guests" party mate was scared to say something for fear of being booted or banned.

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Post by Dr_Fangorn_ns3 »

What your post is trying to imply, guest, is not terribly subtle.

First off, all the DMs that monitor North are experienced DMs who are to demonstrate proper behavior by demonstrating it themselves. To err is to human, however, and if a mistake was made then it can be corrected.

To imply that there is an uneven playing field is unfair. The North DMs spend more time playing on the server with its players rather than sitting, logged on with their DM toons passing judgements from above. The rules are made for everyone, and all the NS DM team are aware of this.

If your party mate had an issue, then putting up a post like this is not terribly helpful and more inflammatory than anything. Your party member friend should take a screenshot and send a pm to one of the senior DMs (Braticus, Fire, or TGPO), the lead DM of the server (Legends), or the server op (myself). If no screenshot was taken, this should not prevent your friend from raising this issue with one of the previously mentioned people.

Lastly, if you're going to post something like this and want to be taken more seriously, take the time to log on rather than post as a Guest. Personally, I am more likely to take notice and take the time to talk to someone about a potential problem if I see them online and know where the concern is coming from.

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Post by cryodog2_ns3 »

Not sure if you are talking about the same situation from yesterday and if so then I was the DM in question. I asked this player if i could pass. They asked if i was doing an ec run or just lvling. i replied with i am just lvling. they then said so am i. I sat there for a min and he still did not answer my question but was continuing to kill.... I then took it upon myself to run by him and continue my lvling. There is nothing wrong with what i did. The rules say that if you are lvling you may not deny another player to pass you but that other player must ask. I did just that and didnt get a reply. I thought by the way that player was talking that there was some kind of language barrier and so i moved along. With that being said here is what you should do....

It is never wrong to confront a DM about anything they have done or you think they have done wrong as long as you are tactful about it. If a DM gives you attitude for asking a simple question then please feel free to PM me. We as DMs arent here to be jerks....all the time :) In the future please try talking to DMs, if you feel more comfortable you can even talk to a different DM than the one in question and go about it that way. Posts like these can at times give a false impression of what DMs do and you as players dont always have all the information you need when posting.... especially if you are posting it for a friend and you werent there yourself. So if this was the same situation then now you know what happened.

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Post by hiro_ns3 »

i have had my trust issues with the DMs at times myself, but i must say - your statement that "if you had done the same you would have been banned" is a tiny bit over the top. Bans are very very very rare here on NS. In the whole time i have been playing, (since ns3 beta) i doubt i have seen 10 bans.

jailed, stripped, made fun of in front of the whole server - maybe. 8-/

but banned i doubt.

any wy

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I agree with hiro, kinda

Post by rockworth_ns3 »

I mean ,I have been playing ns for yrs. on top of yrs. and seen only a few banned ppl. But I also understand the guest and i'm sure most of you do to . You just don't want to say so cause your SCARED .Which as we all know is why he is guest and not logged . DM's are ppl ,as we all are if a person dosen't respond most ppl think they 1. are afk,2. don't care 3. don't know what to say. Just because a toon is played bye a dm doesn't mean you should be scared to talk to them .They are fair , i mean you REALLY gotta make them mad for them to drop G1 on you trust me .It's been done to me before,lol. But it was only in GREAT FUN. ;)

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Re: I agree with hiro, kinda

Post by DM Xero_ns3 »

rockworth wrote:But I also understand the guest and i'm sure most of you do to . You just don't want to say so cause your SCARED .Which as we all know is why he is guest and not logged .

If there was a DM who blacklisted people for raising a complaint, they wouldn't be a DM for long. There's no reason someone should have to be anonymous in order to voice their concerns.
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Post by rockworth_ns3 »

I understand what you are saying , But i have left a server that i played at for many years because i asked a question and the dm thought it was a stupid question when i complained about the fact that it isn't stupid if i don't know the answer he said if i didn't like it leave the server and everytime after that he was completely rude to me , i even had another dm come in and say they were sorry for the other 1's behavior. I have never had a problem with anyone in fact that same dm and me partied together yrs ago before they became a dm, so when you don't feel like you can ever win i left that server .I don't like to cause problems and he is a good dm or was .I have now found a new home in north and mw .Even in the pvp theres honor .I know dm's can't answer all the questions and get tired of answering the same question over and over , but if thats the case please put up a board answering those questions . So in closeing I know a dm is a person and not the all mighty , but i also know they can make your gameing suk, or awesome . wether you want to admit it or not as a dm there are ways to make things difficult if you want to with out the players knowing .But i love ns and thats why i keep comeing back.

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Post by chillonme_ns3 »

Cryodog2 wrote: Not sure if you are talking about the same situation from yesterday and if so then I was the DM in question. I asked this player if i could pass. They asked if i was doing an ec run or just lvling. i replied with i am just lvling. they then said so am i. I sat there for a min and he still did not answer my question but was continuing to kill....

That was me and I didnt have a problem with you passing thats way I didnt say anything because I was doing the same thing you were. If this Guest is posting for me he is in the wrong sorry if it is.

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Post by Dr_Fangorn_ns3 »

Well, I suppose that's that. Locking this one up.


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