The campaign for pure class

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Dave blythscum_ns3
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The campaign for pure class

Post by Dave blythscum_ns3 »

Is it just me, everyone seems to be hung up on split class uber builds these days, what happend to the good old days of just being a single class, well im throwing down the gauntlet. I just leveled my first single class toon, 40 lvls of pure barbarian (lots of hit points not much brains). I tried to level using gear that was barbarian specific only(big axe spikey helm loin cloth etc). So come on guys you can do it, get some fighters, wizards and paladins on the go, stuff the three way split class.

Dave the barbarian.
"stand still son and put this apple on your head, now where did i put that crossbow and blindfold?" William Tell the disastrous and short lived come back tour.

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Post by Fehrles_ns3 »

:P Already have a Pure Monk and Rogue runnin round on East :D and can say its as fun as the dragon builds. imagine 40 lvls Monk. Mobs can't spawn before your gone ;)

There isn't much my Rogue cannot get into :D (no worries folks left PP out of his skill set. ;) )

Almost forgot my Cleric, OK ,not as powerful as he could b multiclassed but "he could be a contender"
Last edited by Anonymous on Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Dave blythscum_ns3
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Post by Dave blythscum_ns3 »

Thats what I like to see some single class toons, now lets get some more on the go people, and remember "single and class" are not dirty words.

Support the campain for pure know you want to.
"stand still son and put this apple on your head, now where did i put that crossbow and blindfold?" William Tell the disastrous and short lived come back tour.

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Post by Annys_ns3 »

I am looking to make a pure class weapon master, any ideas how ? lol

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Post by Fehrles_ns3 »

LOL, U figure that one out Anny, Let the rest of us know ;)
"Respect the Devs & DM's. It isn't like they MUST to do what they do."

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DM ex Machina_ns3
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Post by DM ex Machina_ns3 »

I have a pure sorc. And had a pure monk on the texas server.
I taste of this server!

It has been remembered please that it has people for backwards of the dolls, and do not like to lose articles so that they had worked.
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Post by DM PHANTASM_ns3 »

have you been drinking again! texas! texas! good god nmost ppl dont even know there was a texas :P :P :P :P :wink:
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DM ex Machina_ns3
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Post by DM ex Machina_ns3 »

heh and that was before it was called texas. was just "Neversummer 3.5" with Ice, Brat, and Roni.
I taste of this server!

It has been remembered please that it has people for backwards of the dolls, and do not like to lose articles so that they had worked.
cuzz deep very deep inside we still have that "little noob"

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Post by Yeti_ns3 »

i have a pure wizard...
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Dave blythscum_ns3
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Post by Dave blythscum_ns3 »

Well done people, your campain badges are in the post, keep up the good work.
Ive pledged to stop using my AA toon as it makes me feel hypocritical, that and i messed up the build so its a bit crap but honestley its a moral choice.

Dave the barbarian

(while it may appear that campain badges will be issued, this is a lie made in the name of comedy)

note: the management accept no liability if single class toons turn out to be crap after you spend lots of your valuable time leveling them.
"stand still son and put this apple on your head, now where did i put that crossbow and blindfold?" William Tell the disastrous and short lived come back tour.

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Post by Fehrles_ns3 »

"BADGES! We dun need no stinkin badges!" :lol: had to be said
"Respect the Devs & DM's. It isn't like they MUST to do what they do."

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DM Celt_ns3
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Post by DM Celt_ns3 »

Well for what it's worth, I went a step further and deleted all my multi-class toons and started pure builds.

For kicks they have a 'PB' at the end of their names to designate their pureness. ;)

Not sure if anyone else can jump into the 'pure' gene pool like that, but it changes the entire way you look at the game.

Some may say its a purposeful handi-cap, which I am sure is probably correct, but I now need 'teams' of other players to venture where I used to solo, but I am having a heck of a lot more fun.

Oh, and my shameless marketing effort, NORTH RULES!
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Post by NOMAD_CA_ns3 »

Thats a great idea ill transform my north toons

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Post by DM PHANTASM_ns3 »

But he didnt tell you what the "PB" stands for did he .......

Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the strength, move on.

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Post by DM Celt_ns3 »


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