Expected Conduct in NS

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DM ex Machina_ns3
Forum Moderator
Posts: 1291
Joined: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:14 pm

Expected Conduct in NS

Post by DM ex Machina_ns3 »

Here are our basic rules and guidelines:

1) All players with "DM" in front of their names are the peacekeepers and arbitrators of the NS modules. If they tell you to do or not to do something, their word is final. If you do not understand what they are saying, consult this post and consider your past actions. It's likely that they are referring to one of the guidelines posted here.

2) Stealing from other players is not acceptable behavior. This includes using the pickpocket skill (PPing) and also picking up items from the ground which do not belong to you. Please remember that there are people behind the players, and they don't like to lose items for which they have worked.

3) Killstealing (KSing) is when you attack a mob that another player is already engaged with. This is also against the rules. This is a form of theft. Instead of stealing items, you are stealing experience points. If you accidentally do this, run away from the mob and send the player a message saying "sorry."

4) Killing another player (PKing) is strictly forbidden. Duels are allowed only by consent and only in the arena.

5) Passing another player on the way to EC or in one of the EC areas is forbidden. These areas are linear, so passing someone is the same as killstealing. This applies to every area past the Sepithat map off of the Nexus. However, it is possible that the player in front of you is only leveling and won't mind your passing. Just ask.

6) The shout function is only for questions and comments about the game and should be used sparingly. Begging and profanity on shout will not be tolerated.

7) Some items have level restrictions, which means you must have a minimum level to pick them up. Most G1/LP/Sabar items require a level of at least 18. Most NS items require a level of 23.

Camping a boss is unacceptable. This includes both waiting for the boss to spawn after you've already kill him/her and logging out after killing a boss with the intention to log back in after the boss has spawned.

9) Begging is generally unacceptable. Do not stand in the center of Neversummer City and ask people for equipment.

Once again, welcome to Neversummer. We wish you a thoroughly enjoyable gaming experience.
I taste of this server!

It has been remembered please that it has people for backwards of the dolls, and do not like to lose articles so that they had worked.

cuzz deep very deep inside we still have that "little noob"


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