Dragonstone Amulet is broken

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Crunch Korbane
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:18 am

Dragonstone Amulet is broken

Post by Crunch Korbane »

Not sure when Dragonstone Amulet became non-transferable, but it is broken this way. The amulet has been 1st level as long as I can remember and I been here a while. Quest is set up so only an epic character can do it, so by the time you can get the amulet you have better amulet on, now the way it is you can't transfer it so you get nothing of value for doing that part of the quest and the weapon is just not worth all the questing without the amulet. I think the amulet should either be transferable or improved so an epic char would use it. Thanks for letting me sound off,
Crunch Korbane>PD<


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