Weird Problems with me characters

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Weird Problems with me characters

Post by Ickypoo2_ns3 »

It seems that when i log in i get script stack erros... but i think everyone gets that...

But the problems seem to be that my characters locations are never saved when I rest I always start back at the area that you only see when you start a new character.... Then when I die I never get the gui so i can respawn...

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Post by Pros_ns3 »

Sounds like the database didn't connect. Hopefully it will fix itself on next reset. That should occur before I get home from work otherwise I'd do one now. The other reason could be some corrupt data in database in which I can repair that if its still an issue when I get home.

Dave blythscum_ns3
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Post by Dave blythscum_ns3 »

That sucks mate, it makes my problem with toons crashing look a bit insignificant. (when i log off in the arena sometimes im not able to log on again) lets hope pros can sort you out mate.

Dave (PB)
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Post by Ickypoo2_ns3 »

If Pros needs a bit of help in anyway just let me know, I am willing to help in any form


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