The EC Race: Warning Not for Cowards!

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The EC Race: Warning Not for Cowards!

Post by ~CN~ETH0S_ns3 »

Was brainstorming last night and came up with an easy idea for an event.
EC Race.

Teams of 4 participate.
Goal #1: To have the fastest EC Run time.

The race starts when the first team-member transitions from Septhitat.
The race ends when the last team-member transitions into EC.

4-person teams participate. along with 3 dm's.
One dm at Septhitat who starts the race. A second DM who follows the Team. and a third DM who waits in EC by the transition.

#1. No despawning. Violation disqualifies the team. Even accidental despawns.
#2. No skipping. All creatures must be killed.
a. Every 'easy-kill' that is left behind after a team transitions. Is a 20
second penalty.
b. Every 'moderate-kill' that is left behind after transition. Is a 60
second penalty.
c. Each boss creature (flayer etc) left behind is a 1.5 minute penalty.
d. Each goblin from Tul'giks, and Spirit left behind is a 2.5 minute

Optional modifications
EC PvP: 2-3 teams of four are placed in Septhitat. The first team to EC wins. Full PvP allowed. Anyteam that has all their members dead are automatically ejected from the race.

DWP Race: Same ruleset as the EC race. With the additional PvP options. this would be awesome since EC tends to be a bit "Easy" the added element of nasty dwarves, and Risen Lord throws more danger in the middle. "You sure you wanna PK that guy? Look out here comes a swarm of dwarve mages and you are fresh out of Shadow-Shield!"

EC Hidden Treasure: Just like any other EC race this one incorporates a little something special. To keep players involved in the experience. One of the DM's follows the teams, and randomly places a really nice treasure on one of the creature drops. It could be a million gold pieces, three or four 100% bags, or even a nice ammy. You never know with the EC Hidden Treasure Race!

EC Race, Risen Lord Edition: As if it couldn't get any more nerve wracking. Not only do you have to watch out for randomly spawned DWP dwarves, or malicious Starfall Mutant Penguins, but every map contains a spawned Risen Lord you must conquer before you can transition out of the map. Talk about UBER! Let the slayings commence, I hope you brought enough heals, and, oh ya, forget about your Starfall Protector, he cant help you here!
(CN)Kahlah Bloodstar
[CN]Kahlah Whitestar
~CN~ L0G0S

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Post by duodave_ns3 »

Wouldn't work because of the repop times. I've seen people zip through areas and when i came to the areas (right behind them) there were no monsters. So the racing groups would have to start spaced apart by say, an hour so the areas would repop, and even that might not be enough. And they'd have to be watched by DMs to make sure they didn't despawn an area.
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Post by ~CN~ETH0S_ns3 »

ummm ya so. Why wouldnt it work? Its a time race. Doesn't have to be right behind each other.
(CN)Kahlah Bloodstar
[CN]Kahlah Whitestar
~CN~ L0G0S

DM Solon_ns3
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Post by DM Solon_ns3 »

If its done on a sunday or monday evening i will be more than happy to be one of the dms watching it.

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Post by Hex-kalibur_ns3 »

i think that would work just fine cuzz one of the dm could put the foes back on the map soon as the team in there kill all and leave the map like on the rules.... =)

just an idea hehe i would luv to participate on that ..

btw what classes are allowed on the race or not allowed?
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Post by Acara_ns3 »

each class will probably be allowed since you need to kill everything
wen al great heros are sleeping invisibel creatures wil kill them , and so it will be =)

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Re: The EC Race: Warning Not for Cowards!

Post by ZigZag »

just poppin in on a bunch of posts, but this sounds awesome! where do i sign up?!

DM Sun Tzu
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Re: The EC Race: Warning Not for Cowards!

Post by DM Sun Tzu »

Having sufficent dm's on at one time would make this difficult.

However, with a minor change it is doable. Rather than a race make it the best EC timed run. This could be done with 1 DM. The team would have to make time arrangements with a DM. The DM would start the race and follow the teams progress. The race would end when the last team member entered EC. Times could be posted on the forums for future teams to beat.

IF people are interested I could draw up a set of rules and post them. I should be on tonight and tomorrow night if a team wants to get together to do a trial run.
DM Sun Tzu

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