Object or NPC in game to delevel character

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Object or NPC in game to delevel character

Post by kingubu_ns3 »

I was just reading something elsewhere about deleveling characters. How it's against policy for DMs to do it. I was just thinking it would be nice if there was something like the Lake but for level removal instead of alignment shift, that a person could talk to/interact with and get levels removed.

Getting the levels back is easy enough already. So the doohickey wouldn't need to manage that. Just a guy you can talk to who say, "drink this purple gooz and you'll be made younger." or something. Or a pool of purple gooz that you click on that says, "drink the gooz" and you get deleveled, with a sign nearby that has a warning about it.

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Post by TGPO_ns3 »

Doesnt this defeat the purpose of the ruling that DMs shouldnt delevel characters? I wont go into specifics, but there was some sound reasoning behind the rule and there is a potential exploit associated with deleveling certain classes of characters in that certain bonuses arent removed on de level, but will be applied again upon relevel.
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Post by kingubu_ns3 »

I thought the problem was that it wasted DM's time. Not bugs. Hmm, I'll check nwvault and see if someone has a fix.

Edit: After a little reading, I haven't found a canned solution so far. But it seems the problem is limited to a couple specific classes and one case. The object could just refuse to work for those people. Or more specifically not work for the problem levels. Seems pretty straighforward, technically speaking.

Edit2: Or to be more evil, just warn people not to do it if they are ___ or ___ because it will make their character invalid.
Then you could just do a straight

Code: Select all

void main()
object oPC = GetPCSpeaker();
SetXP(oPC, GetXP(oPC)-(GetHitDice(oPC)-1)*1000);
to delevel. And let it be on their heads if they are doing it wrong. NS servers are set to deny invalid characters, aren't they?

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Post by wise2727_ns3 »

My understanding of this particular bug/glitch/etc is that it does NOT make your charactor read as invalid... my memory may be off on that though because it has been over a year since i saw it happen... Either way, you can always start over, (admittingly, when i screwed up at lvl 39 i screamed so loud that i'm sure it's still in orbit...) and get back to the same point fast enough :(

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Post by TGPO_ns3 »

kingubu, I mentioned that one issue specifically because it is most easily understood from a players perspective. There are other issues we have with it as this policy predates the stat issue. I'm trying to politely tell you that a deleveling device will probably never show up in game.
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Post by Rong_ns3 »

i dont know if policy predates the stat issue on this one i remeber it happening !!^_^!!
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Post by Delwin_ns3 »

There is a server called DeX and they have this option to bank your xp. A lvl 20+ char can bank 2xp and receive 1xp into the bank. It delevels your 20+ char back to lvl 1.

You can then use any level char to grab these 'banked' xp's and level up your character. The 50% penalty of xp is the price for releveling and it creates some finely tuned characters. Admittedley the server is a haven for uber PKrs but thats half the fun ....

Get an UBER char or fall prey to those that do.

This combined with a character deletion tool can add hours of extra fun as you try to fine tune your toon. Maybe this is an option for NS.

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Post by SecreT_AlieN_ns3 »

Why not just use N.S. Dojo by Zing? He and others have put a lot of work into it trying to make it as similar to NS as possible for the sole purpose of testing out toons, even going so far as to include the real gear. I test out every toon I build there first, so I don't have to worry about releveling in the NS mods.

It doesn't account for all cases when you need to relevel, but just be careful and you should be ok. I think the message from the DM/Devs has been pretty clear on this issue...
Charon * [TC] (MidWest)


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