Is the Dragon Build going extinct?

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3lric of M3lnibon3_ns3
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Is the Dragon Build going extinct?

Post by 3lric of M3lnibon3_ns3 »

Latest information indicates that the Dragon Build may be heading the way of the dinosaurs. :?:

Who what? you ask? No Its not from flames spilling off of the forum, not Developers waving all powerful Nerf Wands, nor even Overzealous
DMs mashing thier kill buttons!

But a threat does loom over the heads of Dragons everywhere like an asteroid on a collision course with NeverSummer, poised to eradicate
Dragons from our very vaults.:shock:

That asteroid has a name and it goes by 1.69 Beta 2! While it still is in testing at the moment, this update has the potential to
invalidate existing characters that have the Dragon Shape feat.

Feat Prerequisite changes (these may make some existing characters invalid in multiplayer games).
The "Dragon Shape" feat now requires Wild Shape 6x/day as per the description (feats.2da).

So what does all this mean?

If your dragon build does not include at least 18 levels of Druid (wildshape x 6) or 5 levels of druid and 10 levels of shifter (greater wildshape x 5),
then its at risk of becoming invalid... if NeverSummer updates to 1.69.

Is this the end of the dragon? Well yes and no, like the dinosaurs the larger more ferocious Dragons like the Ranger Dragon and the Dwarven Defender Dragons will become extinct, clearing way to a new breed of smaller less ambitious reptile cousins.

Heres the link in case you want to look over other 1.69 changes:

Horses! we get horses!!! hmmm what happens when you shift while riding a horse?

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Post by Fehrles_ns3 »

Thank you for bringing up publicly what I have been quietly passing around since first reading the 1.69 update description. Kept thinking i should post something but never when in a position to do it.

It is still possible for those previously mentioned builds to work, it just takes a little fiddling and yes they will probably be a little less 'AmBitious' than prior to the change. I've been fiddling offline already trying to work it out. Only time will tell what happens.

Hopefully the Devs will have some mercy on use prior to the update, should they chose to implement it, and maybe we can at least salvage something of the 'old' dragons.
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Re: Is the Dragon Build going extinct?

Post by Hastings_ns3 »

3lric of M3lnibon3 wrote:
Is this the end of the dragon? Well yes and no, like the dinosaurs the larger more ferocious Dragons like the Ranger Dragon and the Dwarven Defender Dragons will become extinct, clearing way to a new breed of smaller less ambitious reptile cousins.
So does this mean that you cannot build a 18 druid/19 ranger/3 monk with the new patch? Forgive me, I've never built a 23 ranger/14 druid/3 monk dragon.

Maybe this patch will put an end to the ' My dragon can solo everything, why can't you make the game harder so it's a challenge for me since I only play uber dragons ' rants...

and yes, I have dragons..several. rogue dragons, wizard dragons, weapon master dragons...

sorry if it seems like I'm ranting here, not trying to pick on anybody, but I would hate to see bosses/areas become harder for everybody just because one person can solo it with one build. Yes, it will suck to lose several toons if they become incompatible, but that's what the 'create new toon' button is for. And then the new 'lesser' dragons will just have to get used to going after Xi Fu with a party.

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Post by DM Mistress-X_ns3 »

You go bro!

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Post by DM PHANTASM_ns3 »

*Secretly removes cloak from inventory* :shock: 8) :lol: 8) bah no one is gonna flame on ya if you are being honest and if they do they will have to grow up IMHO. No matter what the DM's/devs do ther eis ALways gonna be someone (we will call him TIM he is all knowing) figure out a nbuild that just wipes out a few areas. So it is outr jobs as dm's to make it interesting for TIM and his many friends once he figures this out. :wink:
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Post by Fehrles_ns3 »

Ultimately it just presents another challenge. Who isn't up for that?
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Post by Ickypoo2_ns3 »

doesn't the manual say this already

The "Dragon Shape" feat now requires Wild Shape 6x/day

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Post by Fehrles_ns3 »

It does, but the game has been allowing ppl to get it with 5/day. and until this update there was no real threat to tha changing.
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Post by Aaron315_ns3 »

Ah I remember the day when a good Dwarven Defender could run into a room wielding his axe or rapier screaming 'OHHH YEAAAAAHHH' and clubbing the nearest Bulette (sp?) over the head (a well know draw method - See Mars' Compendium of Getting Your Party Killed Fast). Then he could stand there quite oblivious to anything else going on and just constantly carry on swinging and not stop until there was nothing left to hit. Good times.

However, recently the poor DD's had been finding these big assed Dragons do have a habit of getting in the way and spoiling the fun!

Maybe the good times will return!!!
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Post by Yeti_ns3 »

I deleted my dragon right after i made it... made a DD and i get hit for much more less damage than any dragon i have seen and also have more hp then most as well
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Re: Is the Dragon Build going extinct?

Post by cRaZy8or5e »

With the new patch you can still build dragons that can solo everything, you just have to be creative :). I'm sure elvis can elaborate more as anything I've learned about dragon shape was from him and some other old-timer players, what the heck was his name, ?Logos?
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