Heal potions

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Heal potions

Post by dasboi_ns3 »

Why is it that the heals in game don't all stack. if i buy heals from say the dragon in cic and then some in the secret store they wont combine. they are the same ones.. sometimes i end up with 6 different heal potions in my inv. is there are way that the script can be made to this doesn't happen?
BTW i'm not asking for a unlimited stack just so they can all be stacked up to the 10 limit.

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Post by Rocco_ns3 »

I think, but am not sure, that if you have a set of potions in a quick slot that you can't add to them. Of course I have been wrong before 8)
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Post by DrakhanValane_ns3 »

Quite wrong. No, it has to do with the pots being a different blueprint.
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Post by Sohl_ns3 »

They are made of different colours? Im colorblind, Im telling you! :lol:
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Post by Jabronius_ns3 »

The healing potions you get from drops in one area, such as the Enchanted Forest, should stack with each other, as should potions bought from the same store. However, potions with different blueprints or from different areas may not stack.

Think of them as having different flavors. You wouldn't want to mix orange soda with capuccino, would you?

However, it would be nice if you could combine them. The potions, not the orange drink and coffee :mrgreen:

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Post by dasboi_ns3 »

HMMMMM orange coffee.. sounds quite good actually. :P

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Post by MichaeL_ns3 »

Isnt it that the heal potions you find on a corpse are then considered pickpocketed or stolen and are therefore not allowed to be stacked with purchased potions? Because purchased are considered proper for trading and whatnot so they are kept seperate from the dirty stolen corpse potions :)
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Post by MadBovine_ns3 »

No. They have different ResRef tags, or Blueprints. The game doesn't see them as heal pots at all. It sees them as "Misc. Thin Item Blueprint ResRef healpot" or "Misc. Thin Item Blueprint ReRef heal_pot" or whatever. They are different items even though they look the same.
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