Bard Harps

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Bard Harps

Post by Charon_ns3 »

Disclaimer: I apologize in advance if there are better harps in the game that I haven't seen.

Not that bards aren't powerful enough, but I've only seen one harp drop in NS--and it's really not worth picking up after about 10th level.

It could be a drop in the new DR area, an item you need goop for, or even make it its own post-epic quest (or all of the above! :)). Maybe make it so you have to have 10, 20 or 30 levels of bard to use them for balance.

What to put on it? Ermm...I don't know...perhaps a unique power that increases your perform for a while (switching gear is kind of cheating anyway), or works like the new res pot from the Starfall area once per day, or...I'm running out of ideas...good thing I'm not a dev...;)

Mostly though, harps just aren't used at all and I was thinking it could be something else to add to NS--a bard's gotta have an instrument after all! Thanks.
Charon * [TC]
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Post by DrakhanValane_ns3 »

My instrument of choice is my voice. ^_^

I would not object to something like that if it requires 40 levels of Bard to use. After all, the bard song is encouragement to take levels up to 32 bard. No need for something else before that.
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