Shifter fix?

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Beef Jerky_ns3
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Shifter fix?

Post by Beef Jerky_ns3 »

Sorry if this has been talked about in the past, but will there be any fixing the shifters? I am not going to list all the problems there are with the class. It would just make it a bit more fun to play the class if it wasn't so buggy. I can handle the Dont lvl while shifted thing, but you cant pick up items without your stats going crazy (unless its money). And if you die you have to relog, not good for EC trips, because your stats will remain bugged, even when you rest. Please help this wonderful class.

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Post by Blaskor_ns3 »

Well, with death, all you have to do, once you are alive, is shift into a form, then back to your normal form. That will fix all your items/stats.

If you think about it, it makes sense that you can't pick things up. When you shift into, say Golem, your gear shifts with you, including your backpack. So where would you put it?

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Beef Jerky_ns3
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Post by Beef Jerky_ns3 »

The only problem with your fix is, you only have 3 shifts per day with Contruct,Outsider etc, you run out of that real quick when trying to pick up items.

Also What do you mean where would they put there inventory? If you want to get that specific there are human forms. Also even a pack Mule has Inventory. So everyone, but the shifter gets to pick up items? That doesn't sound right.

I can understand why this would not be on anyones high priority as it doesn't provide any new material for player.Its fine if ther isnt going to be any fix for the class, It just makes the class a lot more screwball to play with the bugs, and annoying at times.

But let not make up reason to not do it by saying "Well its ok if it doesn't work as it should, like all the other classes." Or what people will soon reply with "Well just dont play that class" which I am not suggesting you have replied with.

I am just pointing out something that to me seems to be a pretty annoying bug in the shifter community, ask anyone who has built one and they can prob give you more bugs. (I am sure you have built one)

I am also not suggesting that resting isnt an option, sorc and other classes do it all the time. But to rest asfter picking up 2 items in 2 different areas, come on. When you die and come back your original stats should not be so jacked up that you loose 20+ AC from your original shape. You have no way of defending yourself from a -2 loss and regen when you stand up, NPC can laugh at you at that point and kill you with your inncorrect stats.

Meant as no disrespect ( as I know, writting can be mis interpreted, as voice is a littel more understand how someone means something)

Fix it or don't.?! This is a suggestion Post and take it as it is....

A suggestion.

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Beef Jerky_ns3
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Post by Beef Jerky_ns3 »

Don't really see where anyone has shown this any attention. Just wondering if I should give up playing a bugged class, or if there were any fixes.

Thanks in advance for the reply

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DM White_ns3
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Post by DM White_ns3 »

we are testing them now, working the bugs out.

DM ex Machina_ns3
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Post by DM ex Machina_ns3 »

some forms are getting tweaked. not sure there's a real fix for the bugginess though. that's life as a shifter on every server, i think.

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Beef Jerky_ns3
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Post by Beef Jerky_ns3 »

NP, just wondering if there was any investigation on the issues, i see there is now, thanks for the replies.

Ill shut up now :)


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