NS Boots

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NS Boots

Post by Blaskor_ns3 »

Why is the dodge so low on NS boots? They are supposed to be the best boots on the server (Based on how hard they are to get) yet they have lower Dodge than Boots of Hardiness +3. You have to kill 2 bosses to get them. Can someone tell me how this makes any sense???

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Post by Dr_Fangorn_ns3 »

Pros' reasoning was because of the bonuses achieved by the NS equipment when worn as a whole set: helm, armor, boots, cloak, rings, gloves, etc. When taken in that context, it makes perfect sense.

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Post by Blaskor_ns3 »

See, I don't think thats logical. The cloak gives you +8 Deflection (1 less than max from other items) and the amulet gives you +8 Natural AC (1 more than max from other items.) Using that logic, the boots should fall in one of those 2 categories, imho. That would make sense to me.

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Post by Acara_ns3 »

They are supposed to be the best boots on the server

They are good with +2 AC.. just because it has low AC doesn't make them crappy.

Based on how hard they are to get

They aren't that hard to get

yet they have lower Dodge than Boots of Hardiness +3

Does Botos of Hardiness +3 have 5 stats +2? physical immunes 10%? Slashing/Bludgeoning resist 25/-? Regenration +4?

Why is the dodge so low on NS boots?

Maybe because they would become too good if they had a +8 AC bonus?
wen al great heros are sleeping invisibel creatures wil kill them , and so it will be =)

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Post by Numbskull_ns3 »

And if you want that high ac you can always go with g1 boots, but if you sit down and think, or play with a few builds for tanking you will find out really quick that ac doesn't mean anything, I have a toon that can pull 118 ac and it still gets hit fighting exalted and dl, but I have one with 79 that while it does get hit every round takes less dmg than my regen so I can tank exalted and dl at the same time for as long as I want, ac isn't everything

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Post by Blaskor_ns3 »

You know, I don't know why I bother, you TOTALLY miss the point every time I say something. Using your logic, why does the NS cloak not have only a +2 Deflection? It doesn't need higher does it? Lets lower that to +2 since AC doesn't matter. And while we are at it, lower the Amulet of Dimensions to +2 Natural AC then, since AC doesn't matter. AC does matter quite a bit. DR and Immunity % only help so much. If you get hit every time they swing at you, the damage they do WILL add up. Comparing your AC 118 to the 2 HIGHEST bosses on the server is kind of a weak argument. How does your 118 do on the way to Crest? 5 AC is a HUGE difference. It often makes the difference between whether you get hit or not in many areas.

If you are gonna sit there are nit pick everything I say out of context, kindly do not reply. Saying "The boots are easy to get" means zero. Back it up. What level do you need to be to get them? Solo or in a group? With what other gear? Easy is a very realative term. If you can solo it with a level 1 gearless, thats easy. If it takes a level 40, or several, that wouldn't be considered easy, in my book.

Consistant Gear. That's all this is about.

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Post by DM ex Machina_ns3 »

well, actually, G1 boots are harder to get than NS boots. Both are solo-able, but for G1 boots you have to kill her several times before she drops them and kill Chaos and Brute each time too, which is quite a feat, considering how crowded LP usually is. Whereas Simoon's usually empty, and the boots drop every time.

NS boots have lower ac than G1 but better immunities. NS armor has higher ac than poxx but worse immunities. as a full set, NS is uber. but you may or may not wear a complete NS set, depending on build. outfitting your toon to ideal specs shouldn't be a no-brainer. you should actually have to think about different combinations of gear for different builds in different areas.

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Post by Pros_ns3 »

The NS gear was built to be a set. As a whole set the outfit is a powerful defense but in pieces it was designed to be questionable. It appears my mission was successful. :P

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Post by Dr_Fangorn_ns3 »

That's what I tried telling 'em in my first post above, Pros, and now its turned into a heated discussion. LOL

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Post by Beef Jerky_ns3 »

I think it is an easy call. The items are out there, pick which one's are better for your build and move on. There obviously was a reason for there stats, as the planning that goes into this mod, is no doubt HUGE. So lets move on.

Great job Pros on eveything. You guys are a programing legends in my eyes, and I LOVE all the new material.

Keep up the good work!!


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