Bank and Deposit box

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cameron nosnhoj_ns3
Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:36 pm

Bank and Deposit box

Post by cameron nosnhoj_ns3 »

has im thinking e should have a withdraw deposit for money make it easer to not havfe any money PP or tooken away threw a respon... i was thingknig only one bank and it be in neversumer now for the depost box it should cost from 100-1000gps to get in like say you want to deposit a item he will ask for you "Please pay 100-1000gps (your pick or higher no mater) to get in yoru deposit box" if you say yes you pay how much owe or what ever you get sent to the "Depost room" only you or dm can get inthen there is a treasure box in the middle of the room you can open it and depsit (ether as many as you want or like what ever about of room you will give for it) then you can depsit what ever items you may also withdraw items this box is used for if you want to hold on to items but are about to go on a big adv. or somthing and get loots of items you got room + makes your back back look better if you dont have everything everywere, i was thinking for the bank appernce wene you go in it there will be two guys one guy beind a desk the other by a vault one at desk deposits/withdraw gold the other items... you may post any thing you feal about in this form just dont P.O the DM's, thank your for reading

DM ex Machina_ns3
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Post by DM ex Machina_ns3 »

banks get asked about every so often. quick answer: there's never been banks in NS and there never will be.

Pk Bait
Posts: 87
Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:15 pm

Post by MadBovine_ns3 »

I know, money only bank thatr charges a 25% "handling fee" on both deposits and withdrawals... :P
Sexy Bovine, Nimble Bovine, Unstable Bovine, Ouch Bovine, Master Bovine, .:Bovine:. ... Ok almost any char name with Bovine in it is me.


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