Problem with Bracers of Mystery

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Pk Bait
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Problem with Bracers of Mystery

Post by Jabronius_ns3 »

Hello, just taking the time to point out a bug I've found with the Bracers of Mystery item for bards. This item grants bonus spells, along with other goodies, but if you re-equip it, your spell slots start to empty. In fact, if you re-equip this item several times, your spell slots will end up completely drained. Both myself and another player have verified this problem. I don't know if this trouble carries over into other items that grant bonus spell slots, but I think it would bear investigating. Not a major problem, just an annoyance.

Thanks for all the effort put into NS, as always.

DM ex Machina_ns3
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Post by DM ex Machina_ns3 »

yeah, everything that gives extra spell slots drains your spells if you unequip/re-equip. it's an exploit fix.

Pk Bait
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Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:34 pm

Post by Jabronius_ns3 »

Ah, thanks for the information. Guess I'll just have to stop getting nekkid in front of my party members :o

DM Cipher_ns3
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Post by DM Cipher_ns3 »

LOL, we all thank you....

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Post by Charon_ns3 »

Why would something like this not work?

(Pardon my language hack--I simplified it for readability's sake.)

if(current # spells known (nSpell) > 0)

if(nSpell > 0)

This way you get an extra spell when you put the item on, and lose it when you take it off. You can't gain a spell by putting the item on and casting, then taking the item off since nSpell gets decremented when you cast. Plus, you don't get the bonus slot if you have no spells, so no exploit there. The only time you will lose the slot is if you only have one spell left, but it should work for the other cases (I think). Not a complete solution, but it should fix the most common scenario (rest, equip Epic Minstrel Gloves, sing a little ditty, equip Mystery gaunts). This assumes that you don't have to rest to get the bonus spell slot(s), unlike a uses/day feature.

I'm not all that familiar with how spell slots are handled (hopefully I will be soon! :)), so it's entirely possible that I'm missing something obvious. I know you devs are all smart dudes, so no insult intended. Just tryin' to help...;)
Charon * [TC]
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Post by brash99_ns3 »

I have a pair of Bracers of Mystery on both East and on Pacific, but they aren't exactly the same -- the Pacific pair has an additional buff you can cast x-times-a-day (I forget what it is called, the other two are Vitality and some offensive spell). I wasn't sure if the bracers had been changed at one stage, and the slight difference is intentional?

edit: sorry might have been my newbiness -- the other 1/day buff was Prayer and I was just reading in another forum that Clerics can somehow add this to items? Which I was not aware of ... doh)


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