Help with my AC

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Help with my AC

Post by samkaucher_ns3 »

I've been having a problem of late with mobs total attack roll being less than my total AC and still hitting me. Example.

I was on the Old Trade Route fighting 2 blood cats and 1 Niraagwaa. I died to went over the combat log info to study so I could do better next time.

My AC is as follows for a 17 Monk 3 Assassin:
Dex: 9
Wis: 7
Armor: 3
Haste: 4
Natural: 5
Monk: 3
Tumble 4
Grand Total: 55

Combat results. This was while I was engaged and there was no message that the attack was a touch attack type.

Niraagwaa: hit 10+32=42
hit 12+37=49
hit 19+34=53

Bloodcats consistently missed except one roll that made a 53 as well.

Now the 53's I can see with a flanking bonus those would hit and if I lost dex bonus due to surprise or something sure but I was in combat already and none of the mobs were invised or hidden. Is the system bugged, Is it not reporting right or am I missing something?

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Post by Forge_ns3 »

Hmmm.. .interesting. I can't say for sure what is going on here. There are a number of actions that can provoke attacks of opportunity, which are typically considered 'flat-footed' or some other such AC impaired state. Such actions are things like:
-drinking a potion
-casting a spell (unless you have certain feats)
-some combat feats
-activating some special abilities

I'm sure there are other things too. That's the only thing I can think of that might be causing the behavior you are seeing.

I would suggest that you find another player to run some tests with you. That way you can carefully control what is going on and he/she can attack you just once and then you can study and retest. I'd be happy to help out if you see me. Just looks for toons with the last name Forge.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I play pretty much exclusively on MidWest. I'm not sure which server you play, but your name looks vaguely familiar... at any rate, find a friend you trust to raise you in case you die and run some experiements.

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Re: Help with my AC

Post by disastro_ns3 »

there's a glitch in the game where sometimes your character will be in the middle of melee combat and will stop attacking (and will go out of battle stance).

when this happens you are flat-footed/etc and lose tons of ac. i haven't figured out what causes it but it happens to me every other fight or so. I think it has to do with killing a target (possibly with cleave) and the game not choosing a new target for you (or the one target it chooses is out of melee range, which is pretty short). at this ppoint you are left with no targets and go out of combat mode. sometimes it happens if your chosen target is too close (on top of you.) in those instances you MAY get a "could not reach target" message (but not always.)

it happens A LOT, and has caused me enough deaths that i keep a sharp lookout for it and constantly select my own target.

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Post by Baatazu_ns3 »

One type of attack that causes you to stop attack is the ranged death attack the imp protectors in Lp use.

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Post by Charon_ns3 »

When you are flat-footed, you lose at least your Dex bonus. The only way to counter this is Uncanny Dodge, which is a Class Feat for some (Barbarian gets this at lvl 2, Rogues at lvl 3, for instance). So in your example, your effective AC was 46, which explains the last two attacks, but not the first, so something else was giving you a minus to AC.
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