Cleric Buff Test Results.

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Pk Bait
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Cleric Buff Test Results.

Post by disastro_ns3 »

OK I did some quick testing and found the following:

(test done with 23 levels of cleric + extend spell feat standing still in EC. Yes, tests need to be verified via combat window... later. trials were repeated 3 times.)

Extended battletide: animation and AB listed in character sheet lasted about 4 minutes. At the end of the spell the animation faded and the little "unbuff" animation played over the toon's head. This is expected duration. The description says 1 round per level. for my toon that should be 23 rounds * 2 extended == 46 rounds. 1 round == 6 seconds; about 4 minutes.

Extended Divine Favor: the animation played and the buff showed in the character sheet window for 1 minute. This is NOT as expected. Standard duration is 10 rounds (1 minute). Extended that should be 2 minutes. I will do a more extensive test by checking the combat window later on, however this pretty much jives with my experience: against hard to hit mobs my attacks go haywire after about 1 minute (i.e. when I need the buff to hit). extend does not appear to help this spell. I memorize at least 6 or 7. Barring new information i will stop extending this buff and save myself the spell slots in that level.

Extended Aura Against Alignment: the animation played and lasted about 1 minute 20 seconds. At the end the red aura disappeared and the "unbuff" animation played. AC went down in the character sheet window. This is not as expected. Aura is another 1 round per level spell and should have lasted 4 minutes, just like battletide. Not only does extend appear not to have any effect, the observed duration was not as long as advertised even for un-extended play.

On a side note it gave a +5 bonus to ac that is most likely a dodge bonus (not a deflection bonus as listed in the spell). Dodge bonuses cap out at +20 and this spell contributed towards that cap.

As my time this weekend will be a bit limited I invite others to duplicate these tests and verify them via combat window vs a willing player.

Gruesome Wolf_ns3
Posts: 49
Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:47 am

Post by Gruesome Wolf_ns3 »

Everything you posted sounds exactly like my experiences. While I didn't have a stopwatch, I was paying attention to the relative durations of spells compared to other buffs that supposedly had the same durations and there were large discrepencies in expected durations of Aura and extended favor, just like you noted.

As I posted in another thread, there WAS a known bug around the extended version of Aura versus alignment that was SUPPOSEDLY fixed in the 1.65 patch.

Could any devs possibly answer the question as to whether there is ANY possibility that the file associated with that spell missed being updated? (File name: x0_i0_spells.nss)

BTW, all of my testing is on East

On the plus side, this entire train of conversation introduced me to my new favorite spell, Undeath's eternal Foe because of its undocumented large bonuses to AC. :)

Wong Fei Wall - Druid-5/Shifter-17/Monk-18
Fervent Earache - Bard-23/RDD-10/WM-7
Void - W-38/ SD-2
Sherman Abram - F-7/WM-7/DD-26
Samaratin Goodwill - C-39/R-1
Pierce Sternum - F-14/WM-7/SD-19


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