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Post by bratak_ns3 »

heya all... i get prb with my sorc.. i get auto 1 2 and 3 but i continu to get prb when i try to use my spell .. is it prb of concentration or can i get a prb on my build i don't understand? bybye

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Post by Blaskor_ns3 »

Ok, now in English please...

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Post by Acara_ns3 »

Automatic spell I/II/III of what? still? quickened? silent?
wen al great heros are sleeping invisibel creatures wil kill them , and so it will be =)

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Post by Rong_ns3 »

hey Blaskor your a muppet leave the guy allone go back to your little noobick chars

@ Bratak

Maby you took the wrong feat because I know that Auto Still works fine and im pretty sure all the other Auto feats work fine as well.
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aKa - Saint Oo

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Post by Blaskor_ns3 »

I will not lower myself to attack you back for your attempt to insult me...

As you can see in his other post asking for help on the same problem, noone can figure out what his problem actually is. He is talking about something called PRB. Your 'attempt' at helping his is pretty weak. Maybe you should tell him which feat he took wrong and which one he should have taken, how the feat works he took etc. But you can't, because you, like Acara and myself, have no clue what he is talking about. So by asking him to ask again in English is a simply way to ask him to explain his problem so we can help him solve it.

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Post by Rong_ns3 »

PRB = Problem. If you cant see that then i can't be arsed to say any more. You should understand that some ppls first language isn't english or maby they have problems with spelling. So making a reply like "Ok, now in English please..." i think is pretty condescending.
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aKa - Saint Oo

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Post by Blaskor_ns3 »

I think I'll simply be the bigger man and ask you to aquire a sense of humor. They sell them on ebay, I believe. I also understand he is from France and English may not be his second language. With that said, and knowing PRB is problem, doesn't answer the underlying question: If he has a problem, then what is it? You still don't know, do you?

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Post by midnight08_ns3 »

no, we still dont know.... but insulting him "In English Please" wouldnt be the propper way to get the answer either... the questions have been asked now that need to be, but it would be nice if we were all a bit more understanding of those who dont happen to be lucky enough to speak english fluently. (Yes, we are lucky, consider how much it would suck not to be able to get across the point you need to get across to fix a problem you are having with the game...)

All im sayin is maybe u should be a bit more considerate before replying like that...

Sidenote: i'll try to handle this from here, will be sending him a pm and will try to help him on the side with this issue...

Another Sidenote: Im actually surprised at Rong here.... he's usually more quick to anger... despite calling u a muppet, he kept himself under control... also glad u ignored his minor insult for the most part...


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Post by Dr_Fangorn_ns3 »

I'd appreciate it if you'd all stop flaming each other and patiently await an elaborated message from bratak. I think we all get what he's asking, he put this question up on Pacific's forums as well and has received more helpful answers there.

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Post by Anonymous_ns3 »

If it was Auto-Quicken then yeah - that is half-useless on the ns3.5 side and half-broken on the nwn side...

First bonus is the extra spell per round, which haste also gives you, so this isn't a bonus in ns3.5 unless you have some worthwhile gear setup which lacks haste.

Second bonus is [supposedly] that this extra first spell per round can't be interrupted. I think the problem is that the bonus spell from haste can be interrupted, and the nwn engine isn't checking for Auto-Quicken when it is checking for this. I've never tested if it can be countered though (manual says it can't). I would recommend not having any haste items if you have selected these feats on a mage. I needed haste in my experience because I was a melee Cleric.

There also seems to be a very slight speed increase in casting the spell, but because nwn is turn-based you still wait a varying time between when you click the spell and when it gets cast. I thikn the bosses in LP all have it though, because it seems to work on them the way the manual specifies.


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