Excerpt from The History of Avendell: The Faction Wars

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Excerpt from The History of Avendell: The Faction Wars

Post by Cahaal »

Many times Primus had threatened Avendell and everytime the factions had put aside their differences and rallied to aid Avendell and protect her neutrality. It was the second planting and the moon was waxing when Primus had sent his agents to cripple the city of trade. In this age The Silver Road still passed throught the heart of Avendell and was the only method for land forces to march between the northern and southern reaches of Aetheria. Messengers and spys quickly spread the news of the seige on Avendell to all the factions as Avendell requested aid. The meager defense force and mercenaries employed by the city were no match for the well trained mercenaries, undead and war machines employed by Primus's top General, Leona. The Factions assembled and overcame the ambushes in the Dark Forest and the northern reach of the Silver Road. All the factions were present and although all were there to aid Avendell it didn't stop them from trying to gain leverage over one another. Small squirmishes broke out almost immediately. It was Primus however and the threat he represented to every faction that forced the Factions to blockade the entrances to Avendell.

Primus had attacked Avendell many times. This particular event though is remembered well and celebrated in Avendell although many citzens don't connect the Day of Dragons with the dire event that almost destroyed their city. As Primus proded the defenses of the factions with his troops, his spys set fire to many of Avendell's buildings. The faction repelled each attack and moved swiftly from the northern entrance to the southern entrance and drove Primus's troops back each time. Leona then rallied her troops for a two pronged attack on both entrances at the same time. The defenders of the northern entrance had become overwelmed and many had fallen. Only a few Northern Coalition and Mystral Asendency stood to repell the attack. The forces of the southern entrance subdued Leona's troops and violating Avendells laws marched six dragons through the heart of the city and destryoed the attacking force. Leona had been denied her prize and withdrew to to the dark reaches of the land. Avendell had been saved although the cost was severe. The Factions had overcome the invaderes, but now Avendell layed burning. So ended one of the small victories in unifying Aetheria.

*(Submitted for review and consideration)*
Aiea the Chaos
Blood Orchid
Ange au Demon



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