Neversummer 5 Public Alpha!

Official announcements from the Developers and DMs.
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Joined: Thu May 06, 2004 4:09 am
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Neversummer 5 Public Alpha!

Post by cely »

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the land,
Not a creature was slain, not even a brigand.
The swords remained sheathed in the armory with care,
In hopes that Amoenotep would someday play fair.

The shifters were restless; tossing and turning,
With visions of Lokey and his big stick of nerfing.
Also of Brilhasti commanding his bard,
Laying the smack down... very, very hard.

Deep within Aetheria the Devs toiled away,
Working diligently for this was the day.
When the fruits of their labor were to be revealed,
And Neversummer 5 was finally unveiled.

Now be forewarned that the world remains unfinished,
NPCs' abilities to speak are diminished.
There are no quests nor jobs to be completed,
But there are creatures whose hoards must be depleted.

We hope you will come and give us lots of feedback.
So that we may continue to work and soon redact,
That pesky suffix on the server which reads: Alpha,
And replace it with a less annoying word: Beta.

Now spring into action, do not delay,
We want you to make haste, connect, and play!
Attack those hideous monsters, show them your might.
Happy Hunting to all, and to all a good fight!

Please post bug reports, balance issues, quality issues, suggestions, complaints, etc in the following forum and we will address them as soon as possible:

Known Issues:
* Traps do not work
* Some item points are not balanced properly (rings, ammo, etc)
* Pathfinding issue in Oltonor near Graymalkin's tent
* Sound effect looping issue in Graveyard Crypt
* Cannot examine items in stores
* Store items do not show up red if you cannot use them


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