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by mumoogaipan
Thu Jun 10, 2004 1:33 pm
Forum: General NS4 Discussion
Topic: Disarm..
Replies: 28
Views: 3427

I think that the action was legitimate. You disarmed the person and they lost their weapon. Plain and simple. NOw, if you would have done this to the same character 3-4 times then i could see how that is a bit abusive and just down right mean. On another note, disarm is suppposed to be crippling. Th...
by mumoogaipan
Wed Jun 09, 2004 1:09 am
Forum: General NS4 Discussion
Topic: I would like to thank the community
Replies: 2
Views: 678

I would like to thank the community

The major thing i would like to thank everyone for is that there is a lot less complaining over the forums. Additionally, i think that the community has pulled together and tried to implement community rules which set standards for how players should act. Quite frankly, i think that this is the way ...
by mumoogaipan
Fri Jun 04, 2004 6:02 pm
Forum: NS4 Help and Support
Topic: I need help with my monk
Replies: 9
Views: 1633

I need help with my monk

I just got my monk to level 16. I have the hands of the master and i am looking for the robes from the shadow legion or the accountants robes. However, i am more dismayed about the lack of options of increasing the AB of a monk. I am a dex monk and my dex bonus is +7. My attack bonus with all the ge...
by mumoogaipan
Thu May 27, 2004 6:09 pm
Forum: General NS4 Discussion
Topic: A new faction idea for novice protection
Replies: 11
Views: 1470

Okay, i kind of didn't want this discussion to break out. I really just think it would be cool if people, instead of complaining about their problems, figured out ways of dealing with the problem without nerfing the system. I think this is a pretty proactive solution. Create a force of people who ar...
by mumoogaipan
Thu May 27, 2004 5:55 pm
Forum: General NS4 Discussion
Topic: Rule question concerning PvP
Replies: 45
Views: 5016

well put. You are correct Evanfallen, this is a server that is scary for new pc's. And even mid ranged pc's can run into a few snags every once and a while. But that is what makes a game fun. People should just live with the fact that Pkers exist. This is a game, your character doesn't get deleted w...
by mumoogaipan
Thu May 27, 2004 1:36 pm
Forum: General NS4 Discussion
Topic: Explanation of Item level restrictions?
Replies: 22
Views: 2918

When you go to pick up items in a store you can try them on. If the item unequips itself automatically then you cant wear the gear. In the 2nd text box it will display in yellow wether what level you have to be to use the gear. Also, until about lvl 9 gear is kind of skimpy. So dont expect to wear t...
by mumoogaipan
Thu May 27, 2004 1:25 pm
Forum: General NS4 Discussion
Topic: A new faction idea for novice protection
Replies: 11
Views: 1470

A new faction idea for novice protection

On the forums, there are always characters who are upset about getting "griefed" or PK'ed. Why don't a group of higher lvl characters create an interfactional alliance in order to protect lower level characters. In turn the lower level characters would have to pay some sort of fee determined by the ...
by mumoogaipan
Thu May 27, 2004 1:22 pm
Forum: General NS4 Discussion
Topic: Rule question concerning PvP
Replies: 45
Views: 5016

Baconstrip, i think you need to 1) stay on point to the subject at hand which is wether or not it is okay to PK a mouthy player who is effortless. secondly, i think your last point would be great if you could provide me quotes from that thread where i said i support nerfs. Or that anyone this thread...
by mumoogaipan
Thu May 27, 2004 9:34 am
Forum: General NS4 Discussion
Topic: Rule question concerning PvP
Replies: 45
Views: 5016

Whoa, i think this is kind of a silly issue when a: dying from a character doesnt take xp or b: gold. Secondly, you are probably right it isnt good to make a habitual act of Pking people in general but we must remember thye overarching setup of the NEW NS4. It is factional war, meaning there is a he...
by mumoogaipan
Mon May 17, 2004 2:40 pm
Forum: NS4 Help and Support
Topic: WHere did Beta3 Go
Replies: 31
Views: 3743

I know, i should play more characters on other servers. I am totally cool with having to do that. In fact i started some RK characters. Pretty fun, but i just want to see my monk again. *tear comes to eye* i love that little guy. ^_^. But Jester is right. We should play other factions. I was just lo...
by mumoogaipan
Mon May 17, 2004 10:42 am
Forum: NS4 Help and Support
Topic: WHere did Beta3 Go
Replies: 31
Views: 3743

It has now been 5 days. What is going on. I am not asking for much. I just want to know why Beta 3 is down so that i dont have to keep checking in on it every hour. Like i said, "I need my nevercrack." Please, will someone adress the issue of where Beta 3 has gone. Besides mistaking the server for a...
by mumoogaipan
Fri May 14, 2004 12:59 pm
Forum: NS4 Help and Support
Topic: WHere did Beta3 Go
Replies: 31
Views: 3743

WHere did Beta3 Go

Okay, i have tried to be patient and I have tried to stay calm and relax. But i can't take this. I need my crack. I need to have Ns4 Beta 3 back online so i can play my lvl 13 monk. *foams at the mouth with glaring green eyes* Don't make me sacrifice someone in order to get Beta 3 back online hehe. ...
by mumoogaipan
Sun May 09, 2004 11:12 pm
Forum: General NS4 Discussion
Topic: A power-gaming exploit that needs fixin
Replies: 21
Views: 2850

I think the problem is that people are assuming that the number one priority of the game is to enjoy a great game. This is wrong, we are here to test a great game. Complaints like this cant be fixed, and could happen on NS3 as well. Regardless, you should revel in the fact that at some point in time...
by mumoogaipan
Sun May 09, 2004 10:59 pm
Forum: NS4 Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: The Githzerai Subrace (Need Dev Input)
Replies: 23
Views: 5805

The thing i wanted calrified is wether or not the devs were using the 3.5 ver of the githzerai or not. I just wanted to know because if it were based off of the 3.5 gith then there are some serious issues. ^_^. Also, in the 3.5 book gith get all the stats i stated above plus an ECL of only 2. A bit ...
by mumoogaipan
Sun May 09, 2004 11:30 am
Forum: NS4 Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: The Githzerai Subrace (Need Dev Input)
Replies: 23
Views: 5805

The Githzerai Subrace (Need Dev Input)

I was reading the D&D books and i found that the githzerai are supposed to have +6 dex, +2wis, -2 int. In NS4 the stats are +2 dex, +2 int, -2 str, and -2 wis. Additionally, the githzerai are supposed to have spell resistance starting at 5 at level and it increases by 1 every next level. I just ...

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