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DE Bosses

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 6:08 pm
by frogofpeace
From discord:

suggestion: sky, sabar, G1 - give em better drops? sky and sabar at least, I guess G1 is debatable but ... meh. The areas are cool especially the run up to, area before with the special surprise statue, and the G1 map. But you have to fight through two other bosses to even get in, and the drops are an anticlimax.
Even something like draco's skull would be good - high level Knock skull or short duration bio TS or something

Re: DE Bosses

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 7:16 pm
by teigrgwyn
Before improving the drops of those bosses, might we make it so G1 (not sure about Sky & Sabar) is more difficult to multi-client?

Maybe not even make the fight harder, just add a "Disciple of the Eerie" that teleports between targets rapidly with a 100% spell failure aura with both low AB and high AC? Heck this new NPC can be the one that drops stuff lol

As for any new drops, perhaps something that makes it easier for people to generalize, but not specialize?
For example, instead of +12 disc from 2 +6 disc rings, why not a +4 disc +3 concentration ring, therefore increasing the total power given to the player while not allowing them to specialize more than they already can (for balance)?